Medicon Village

Medicon Village


Lund, Skåne 12 234 följare

The largest value-driven life science park in Scandinavia.

Om oss

Medicon Village är den största värderingsdrivna forskarparken i Norden med fokus på life science och därmed en livlig mötesplats för forskare, entreprenörer och andra med intresse av life science. Ägd av den ideella stiftelsen "Mats Paulssons stiftelse för forskning, innovation och samhällsutveckling", som bidrar till nya projekt som betonar forskning och innovation som gynnar människors möjligheter till ett bättre liv. Den hållbara ägarmodellen innebär att avkastningen på kapitalet, tillsammans med överskott från driften av Medicon Village, återinvesteras i forskning i form av donationer. Med 2 800 anställda i 180 företagoch organisationer fungerar Medicon Village som en mötesplats för individer dedikerade till olika discipliner inom life science. Dessa inkluderar bioinformatik, biomedicinsk teknik, tillverkning av bioläkemedel, bioteknik, klinisk forskning och företag inom kontraktsforskning (CRO), diagnostik och patologi, miljöbioteknik, genomik och genetisk forskning, hälsovårdstjänster, medicinteknik, näringsläkemedel, läkemedel, regenerativ medicin och mer.

1 001–5 000 anställda
Lund, Skåne
life science, innovation, research, community, laboratories, space to let, space to rent, bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, biopharmaceutical manufacturing, biotechnology, CRO, environmental biotechnology, healthcare services, medical devices, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, regenerative medicine, ATMP, genomic and genetic research, diagnostics and pathology och clinical research and contract research organizations


Anställda på Medicon Village


  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 234 följare

    We asked some of our brilliant minds at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Harald Roos, Medical Programme Director SDV at Region Skåne, answered:   "After a pretty busy winter and spring, our family is looking forward to spending a few weeks in Bohuslän. We have a summerhouse on an island called Resö, which is located rather close to the open sea in the beautiful archipelago. Of course, we take the opportunity to go on day trips with our boat, but we also enjoy swimming in the salt water, canoeing in kayaks, and biking on the pretty demanding hilly roads.   As for work, the focus remains on SDV, the challenging project where we during 18 months will change EHR for 38,000 employees in Region Skåne. We are now entering the final phase before the launch and first rollout in March 2025. Our efforts are concentrated on testing the system and preparations for the entire healthcare sector in Skåne."   #brilliantminds #lifescience #sciencepark Region Skåne – utveckling & innovation

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 234 följare

    We asked some of our brilliant minds at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Alexandra Lellky at answered: "This summer, me and Inga-Lill Lellky are doing a road trip around Skåne to visit and interview ambassadors for The big challenge now and in the autumn is to raise funds so that we can continue and develop If you have ideas on how this can be achieved or would like to contribute funds, you are more than welcome to get in touch! Every contribution makes a difference and helps us support more relatives in their fight." #brilliantminds #lifescience #sciencepark

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 234 följare

    We asked some of our brilliant minds at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Anna Rosborg at Kry Vårdcentral Tuna answered:   "The first part of my holiday is already over. I spent it in Portugal, on the Algarve coast and in Lisbon. I tried surfing, which was super fun but very difficult. The next part of my holiday will be spent in Österlen, which in my opinion is the best place on earth for relaxation and recharging.   This autumn, my team and I at Kry Vårdcentral Tuna will continue providing primary care in our lovely facility at Medicon Village. Our focus is on delivering quality care, exemplary service, and high availability. We welcome both new and returning patients. Throughout the summer, we have walk-in appointments that can be booked through the Kry app."   #brilliantminds #lifescience #sciencepark Kry

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 234 följare

    We asked some of our staff at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Maja Lindh answered:   "Growing up in Göteborg, the summer and the sea are synonyms to me. This summer you will find me close to any body of water. Swimming at Scaniabadet in Malmö, floating on a water-air mattress on a lake in Västra Götaland, or renting a canoe to explore rivers in Skåne.    I am always in a developing mode trying to find better and smoother workflow solutions and experiences. My focus this fall is to create a greater experience for the Medicon Village community with engaging breakfasts and networks." #lifescience #sciencepark

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 234 följare

    We asked some of our brilliant minds at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Fredrik Lindblad at BiBBInstruments, answered:   "I always spend the summer weeks with the family in our summer house in Strandbaden in Kullabygden. Despite a normally variable weather, I am usually happy with windsurfing in the waves at low pressure and book reading, barbecuing and the beach when the high pressure turns up.   BiBB will continue to benefit from the recent regulatory achievements with market clearance in the US and Europe for the world's first electric endoscopy biopsy instrument. EndoDrill is currently being evaluated at five hospitals in the US, Norway and Sweden. In late summer and autumn, the product will be demonstrated and clinically tested at more university hospitals, which will be followed up by a gradual launch in Sweden. In other words, exciting times ahead!" #brilliantminds #lifescience #sciencepark BiBBInstruments AB

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 234 följare

    We asked some of our brilliant minds at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Ingela Lidén, Director of Administration at "Digitalisation IT and MT" Region Skåne, answered:   "I spend my holiday at our summer house and on the golf course, but I also love summer in Malmö at the cold bathhouse, followed by food and drinks at the city's many outdoor cafes.   My professional focus for the second half of 2024 is on the work with our new platform for healthcare, SDV, which goes live in March 2025, as well as our AI strategy and its applications, and our new model for a regional digital roadmap." #brilliantminds #lifescience #sciencepark Region Skåne – utveckling & innovation

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 234 följare

    We asked some of our brilliant minds at Medicon Village how they spend their summer holidays and about their professional focus for the second half of 2024. This is how Pernilla Agardh at Agardh Recruitment & Consulting answered:   "I start my summer holiday by going to our favourite place in southern France, Collioure. Here, we enjoy swimming, hiking, and good food and drink. After that, I plan to just enjoy having the whole family gathered at home, listening to summer radio shows, reading books, and staying active with golf and running.   My professional focus after the summer will be to continue ongoing projects with current clients and to start a new exciting collaboration (hopefully, there will be more). My plan is also to welcome a new colleague in the autumn." #brilliantminds #lifescience #sciencepark

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 234 följare

    Almedalen Week 2024 has come to an end, with 1,000 participants creating 2,000 events for 20,000 politicians, officials, business people, and others. For us at Medicon Village, it is important to be present with the aim of creating and maintaining contacts that help strengthen our position as the hub in one of the country's leading life science clusters.   Some key findings from Petter Magnusson Hartman and Mikael Lagerwall, our representatives at Almedalen Week this year:   – A calmer week than in other years due to it occurring between two general elections.   – No issues directly dominated the week (as sustainability did a few years ago).   – The life science industry was well represented by both larger and smaller companies, as well as organizations, politicians, officials, and representatives from academia. Feel free to see the events that were arranged in link in comments).   – The life science industry has increased in economic significance, and there is political awareness of this, requiring investments in research and innovation and an updated life science strategy with clear priorities.   – The Swedish healthcare system faces significant challenges regarding deficits, skills shortages, and capacity issues. This must be managed in the long term, which is important both for individual patients and for society's resilience in times of major or sudden stress.   – Innovation is largely driven by small companies, which in turn depend on environments that promote interaction between clinics, academic research, and capital. Well-developed innovation support is also crucial for companies to develop over time. Here, Sweden has much to offer with many innovation hubs around the country (not least Medicon Village 😊).   #networking #knowledgesharing #innovation #lifescience #almedalen

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  • Visa organisationssidan för Medicon Village, grafik

    12 234 följare

    In co-operation with organizer Life Science Sweden, and in collaboration with Medicon Valley Alliance, we welcome you to the 13th annual edition of The Future of Swedish & Danish Life Science congress, the most prominent of its kind taking place in south of Sweden this year, featuring a seminar lineup emphasising main themes Funding, Artificial Intelligence, and Factors for Growth. The congress includes pre-bookable one-to-one partnering sessions, networking prospects, and an exhibition showcasing offerings of many prominent industry stakeholders. #seminars #partnering #exhibition #lifescience #sciencepark Life Science Sweden | Medicon Valley Alliance

    The Future of Swedish and Danish Life Science 2024 - Medicon Village

    The Future of Swedish and Danish Life Science 2024 - Medicon Village

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