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Questions tagged [horror]

For questions regarding the horror genre, and horror themed games, campaigns, adventures and so on.

56 votes
6 answers

Preventing saturation in a horror campaign

I am currently designing my first horror campaign and what I've come up with so far is pretty dark and gruesome. I worry that if it is gut wrenching the whole way through, eventually the players will ...
user2525's user avatar
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37 votes
12 answers

Tried all the existing advice, but players still never roleplay fear

I've read some other posts on here about how to telegraph danger to my PCs and how to make them flee. The problem is, I believe I am actively using all the strategies in both of the posts and my PCs ...
Sheph's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

How to make a dense, immersive horror atmosphere?

I'm currently narrating a horror-esque campaign set in a dystopian future based on the Lovecraft Mythos. My problem is that my players break their own sense of immersion often, making the game seem ...
Mathias Ryuzaki's user avatar
53 votes
5 answers

Why wouldn’t I just run away from the eldritch horror?

I am struggling with character motivations in Call of Cthulhu or similarly investigative horror settings. For some reason I seem to have issues imagining the reasoning behind characters who really ...
fgysin's user avatar
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71 votes
11 answers

How can I invoke actual fear in my players?

I'm a DM that focuses heavily on story, description and setting. My goal is to send players home wanting — no, longing — to actually be part of the mythos I've created. The ultimate goal for me as a ...
nopcorn's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Can Lovecraftesque do one-room horror?

I'm planning an adventure which seems very suited to Lovecraftesque except for this one thing: all the horror takes place in a confined space which the Witness never leaves. This seems like a problem,...
BESW's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

What kind of SF horror does Eclipse Phase lend itself to?

Assume I know only the barest minimum about Eclipse Phase: just read a blurb or two. What kinds of horror stories does Eclipse Phase lend itself to? (What are the 'signature' horror elements of the ...
OpaCitiZen's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How to execute horror when there is safety in numbers

Questions such as this one and this one cover how to execute horror in a role-playing game fairly thoroughly. This process must be modified, however, when the traditional trappings of a game session ...
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