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Questions tagged [fighter]

For questions about a fighter class or character archetype that commonly appears in RPGs. The fighter is typically a skilled martial warrior.

-3 votes
1 answer

D&D Fighter (Brute) damage increase [closed]

I couldn't find anyone mentioning anything to do with this at all. I am assuming it is definitely not how I'm reading it, however: Why does it sound like the fighter brute stacks damage on every hit? ...
BRYANT J FAULKNER's user avatar
1 vote
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(V2) Do these revisions to this "Survivalist" homebrew fighter martial archetype bring it in line with the existing subclasses?

This adventure I found on DMsGuild seems like it would be fun to play, and it comes with several character options. One in particular, the Survivalist Martial Archetype, seems like something I'd like ...
User 23415's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is this "Survivalist Fighter" archetype balanced?

This adventure I found on DMsGuild seems like it would be fun to play, and it comes with several character options. One in particular, the Survivalist Martial Archetype, seems like something I'd like ...
User 23415's user avatar
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0 votes
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Are Echo Knights excluded from text that specifies “creature” [duplicate]

I understand that the majority of the posts on the internet classify the Echo Knight as an object and not a creature, including this post. However, does that preclude the Echo Knight from being ...
Bryan's user avatar
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5 votes
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Does an action with the "Press" trait require that you use it on the same target of your initial attack?

The rules for the "Press" trait read as follows (emphasis mine): Actions with this trait allow you to follow up earlier attacks. An action with the press trait can be used only if you are ...
Andrendire's user avatar
5 votes
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Does Arcane Archer's "Magical Arrow" Ability work against antimagic field?

Would the level 7 Ability "Magic Arrow" work against a target with an anti-magic field? The Magic Arrow Description says: At 7th level, you gain the ability to infuse arrows with magic. ...
IUltimateMage's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What are the risks and implications of this fighter-multiclass-buffing house rule?

I’m considering house ruling the Fighter class’s Extra Attack feature. The change would be to the second paragraph, which would now read: The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th ...
Kerrick's user avatar
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2 votes
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If a character starts using Giants Might in an enclosed area, then enters a more open area, will their size increase?

The RAW say: Giant Might At 3rd level, you have learned how to imbue yourself with the might of giants. As a bonus action, you magically gain the following benefits, which last for 1 minute: If you ...
Schneb's user avatar
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10 votes
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Can "Improved Knockdown" trigger "The Harder They Fall"?

The level 10 Fighter talent "Improved Knockdown" says "you automatically apply the critical success effect of a Trip", and the level 4 Rogue talent "The Harder They Fall" ...
edgardcunha's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

If I'm Wild Shaped or Polymorphed and reduced to 0 hit points, can I use Strength Before Death as a reaction to take an extra turn?

The ability comes from the Fighter Samurai subclass. Strength Before Death Starting at 18th level, your fighting spirit can delay the grasp of death. If you take damage that reduces you to 0 hit ...
Esdras not a mimic Cardona's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Is the Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting feat not worth it?

The description of the Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting feat says (Complete Adventurer, p. 111): You are adapted at wielding larger than normal weapons in your off hand. Prerequisite: Str 13, Two-Weapon ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
4 votes
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Can you take hand crossbows as beginning weapons as a fighter or paladin?

When you take the fighter or paladin as your starting class, you get the equipment options of "(a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial weapons" hand and heavy crossbows are ...
Inuxxus's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is Fighter a better option for unarmed fighting compare with Monk?

This is under the case of single classing only. I see in a optimising site saying that Fighter is a better option than Monk even if you are building a dedicated bare hand warrior. I wonder how does ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to make physical character's combat become more tactical and interesting?

My situation: The fighter-type PCs (fighter, ranger, monk) feels the combats are boring for them. They have nothing to do rather than attack. Their maneuvers (trip, disarm, etc.) usually fail because ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Can you make an attack with a crossbow and then prepare a reaction attack using action surge without the crossbow expert feat?

As far as I can tell no one has asked this question before, so forgive me if they have. This also assumes the character here does not have an extra attack, so they are probably level 2 or 3 in ...
defmod's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can you end Rune Knight's Giants Might at will?

One of our players is playing a Rune Knight Fighter and has completely hypothetically asked if they could at will end the Giants Might effect from their class features. We cannot find anything that ...
Tylanderma's user avatar
20 votes
9 answers

How do I encourage players to use items and strategy in combat, instead of just standing there and saying "I attack"?

Scenario: I am a first time DM, playing with two of my best friends, who are first time players. One of them plays a Dwarf Cleric, the other one a Wood Elf Fighter. We played "Dragons of ...
fraenzz's user avatar
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How does the Charger feat work with Fighter's Extra Attack feature?

If I have a 5th-level fighter that has the Charger feat, can I take my Extra Attack after using my bonus attack with the Charger feat?
Xander Frounfelker's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Can you still use Commander’s Strike if the only attack available to forego is an attack against an ally?

At 3rd level, My Battlemaster Fighter chose Commander's Strike for one of his maneuvers. He is a Dex-based fighter and uses shortsword and dagger in melee. This previous question was whether he ...
Kirt's user avatar
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Do increases (or other changes) to an Echo Knight fighter's movement/speed also apply to the echo?

My multiclassed Echo Knight fighter/barbarian has a speed of 50 feet (base 30 ft, barbarian's Fast Movement +10 ft, Mobile feat +10 feet) – and as a bonus from going into a rage (barbarian's ...
Adam Marple's user avatar
16 votes
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Can the Sudden Charge and Shielded Stride feats be used together?

Can the Sudden Charge and Shielded Stride feats be used together? The description of the Sudden Charge feat says: Two actions With a quick sprint, you dash up to your foe and swing. Stride twice. If ...
ciferkey's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Does Irresistible Dance force me to use *all* my actions?

(Otto's) Irresistible Dance says: As an action, a dancing creature makes a Wisdom saving throw to regain control of itself. This is a strange phrasing, in that is does not specify whether one ...
Kirt's user avatar
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Commander's Strike and meaning of 'forgo'

In tonight's session my fighter just leveled to 3rd and declared as a Battlemaster; he selected Commander's Strike as one of his combat superiority maneuvers: When you take the Attack action on your ...
Kirt's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How does the Savage Attacker feat interact with fighter's martial architype Vigilant Defender?

Savage Attacker Once per turn when you roll damage for a melee weapon attack, you can reroll the weapon's damage dice and use either total. Vigilant Defender Starting at 18th level, you respond to ...
Dasmowenator's user avatar
5 votes
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Does the save throw DC calculation from the Superior Technique fighting style override the Battle Master fighter's saving throw DC?

As the title says, I am trying to determine if the saving throw DC calculation from Superior Technique overrides the calculation from Battle Master, thus eliminating the STR or DEX choice. You learn ...
Steven Miller's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

How does Major Image interact with Blind Fighting?

The rules seem to give little indication if the blindsight gained by the Fighter's Blind Fighting is actually able to automatically foil high-level illusions (such as Major Image). But this text from ...
PseudoRandom's user avatar
3 votes
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Can you use Second Wind outside of combat? [duplicate]

The fighter's Second Wind feature says: You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to ...
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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Does Weapon Focus feat chain really suck?

I see people are continuing to complain about the strength of this feat chain: Weapon Focus => Weapon Specialization => Greater Weapon Focus => Greater Weapon Specialization, and most builds ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

DND 3.5e: Does offhand unarmed attack have full STR Adj? [duplicate]

Unarmed Strike At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk’s attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
4 votes
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How does Training work with Warrior Spirit?

The Training (weapon enchantment) ability says: Popular among those who seek to impersonate skilled warriors, a training weapon grants one combat feat to the wielder as long as the weapon is drawn ...
Gloweye's user avatar
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8 votes
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If a fighter learns the Command spell from the Fey Touched feat, what is the spell save DC?

When you have the Fey Touched feat, you learn misty step and one enchantment or divination spell. What is the spell save DC for the Wisdom saving throw against the command spell, when you are a ...
dndndndndnndndndnd's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

How to defend allies as a Fighter at level 1?

At first level, the chance for death is fairly high especially for the squishier members of the party. A fighter comes with high hit-dice, a self-healing ability, and starts with chain mail and a ...
user2754's user avatar
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5 votes
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Can an Echo Knight fighter attack through their echo while using the Echo Avatar feature?

The description of the Echo Knight fighter's Echo Avatar feature says (EGtW, p. 183): You can temporarily transfer your consciousness to your echo. As an action, you can see through your echo’s eyes ...
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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6 votes
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Is Psi Fighter's Telekinetic Movement capable of moving in this way?

The problem in question: Telekinetic movement states: You can move an object or a creature with your mind. As an action, you target one loose object that is Large or smaller or one willing creature, ...
Cezaryx's user avatar
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Does a “carried” creature get brought along when teleporting using the Echo Knight’s Manifest Echo bonus action?

My character is in a sack and being carried by an Echo Knight fighter who teleports using the bonus action from Manifest Echo: You can use the echo in the following ways: As a bonus action, you can ...
mrbw's user avatar
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2 answers

Fighter Feats for other fighting classes?

Playing D&D 3.5e - Can a ranger, paladin or even a rogue take fighter feats, providing they meet the requirements?
John Williams's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Would a limited Gunner Feat be a balanced addition to list of Fighter's Fighting Style options?

Inspired by this answer to Is this homebrew gunslinger class balanced? I wanted to ask. Let's say a player wants to play a gunslinger. Let's also say it is a world where firearms are reasonably common....
Mołot's user avatar
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Can the Battle Master’s Ambush Maneuver be used more than once on the same roll?

I am currently running a Fighter 5 with the Battle Master subclass. Later, I plan to multi class 3 levels into rogue, possibly taking the Assassin subclass for the free crit on surprise. The Combat ...
froggo_doggo's user avatar
2 votes
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Does the Rune Knight fighter's Giant’s Might feature affect the character's height?

The Rune Knight fighter gets the Giant's Might feature at 3rd level (TCoE, p. 45), which grants several benefits for 1 minute. One of these benefits causes you to become Large-sized. Does the Giant's ...
Cellheim's user avatar
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Does the Targetteer variant Fighter's Sniper ability actually require you to make attacks?

Dragon magazine issue 310 introduces the Targetteer variant of the Fighter class, which has the following bonus feat option: Sniper: When using the full attack option the targetteer can sacrifice ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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If an Echo Knight fighter has a bow equipped, can they make an opportunity attack from the echo's space with a dagger, then use the bow on their turn?

One of my players is playing a level 5 Echo Knight fighter with the Thrown Weapon Fighting fighting style. Their primary source of damage is their bow. However, they utilize the ability to draw a ...
Bamischijf's user avatar
10 votes
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Can a fighter learn to use firearms despite them only recently being invented by another member of the party

Recently, after one of our PC's fell off a mountain we welcomed a new fighter to our party, hailing from a far-off land. Our party is all level 3. I'm playing a dwarf artillerist artificer. My ...
ACartonOfEggNogg's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there a way to add extra uses of Tactician?

I'm wanting to build a Fighter with the Tactician archetype, but the tactician ability is SO LIMITED, only a maximum of 4 times per day (or 5 if you go Cavalier) at level 20. Is there a feat or other ...
Aria Nicholas's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

As a Fairy Rune Knight, what are my options for being strength based and still having a good armor class?

The Fairy race, first printed in the adventure Supplement Wild Beyond the Witchlight, is a flying race that has the following restriction on the use of its flying speed: Because of your wings, you ...
Hikari's user avatar
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Can an Inquisitive Rogue use the Tactical Assessment maneuver for Insightful Fighting?

The Inquisitive Rogue's Insightful Fighting feature says: At 3rd level, you gain the ability to decipher an opponent’s tactics and develop a counter to them. As a bonus action, you make a Wisdom (...
Gabriel's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

If a prone Echo Knight fighter makes a ranged attack from the echo's space, and the echo is not prone, would the attack be made without disadvantage?

The description of the Prone condition states, in part (PHB, p. 292; emphasis mine): The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls. The description of the Echo Knight fighter's Manifest Echo feature ...
Kallenz's user avatar
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If the Eldritch Knight fighter's bonded weapon hits a creature, could that creature teleport with the weapon?

The Eldritch Knight fighter's Weapon Bond feature states (PHB page 74): [...] If it is on the same plane of existence, you can summon that weapon as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to ...
TOAOA's user avatar
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15 votes
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Can the Battle Master fighter's Know Your Enemy feature "see through" the Disguise Self spell, shapeshifting, or similar abilities?

The Battle Master fighter has the 7th-level feature Know Your Enemy (PHB, p. 73): Starting at 7th level, if you spend at least 1 minute observing or interacting with another creature outside combat, ...
Matthew Perryman's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

What is the most damage you can do as a 17th level fighter, in 5e?

I've been given the task of trying to show as much damage as possible with a 17th level fighter in a single round of combat. My restrictions include: No multiclassing. No magic items. No outside help....
Shinn Ryusei's user avatar
2 votes
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Can a fighter/Eldritch Knight cast spells between attacks? [duplicate]

Recently been playing an Battle Master in a campaign and was rewarded with some spellwrought tattoos, and one of them was for Silence. A pretty great spell for fighter I figured, since my Athletics is ...
TheMonkeFist's user avatar

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