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Questions tagged [evil-campaign]

For questions about campaigns in which all the player characters are evil, and the particular challenges of running such campaigns.

13 votes
5 answers

How can I add a layer of meaning to an evil campaign?

It's all but ubiquitous that a throwing a chaotic evil character into a heroic party can lead to hurt feelings and other stigmata. Some DMs don't even allow a chaotic evil while others attempt to ...
Arash Howaida's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I'm playing a Marilith demon who is leader of a evil campaign. After hitting very high levels, how should I go about keeping the party together? [closed]

During a while of playing a 2e session with multiple 3.5e conversions, I have recently (In the past 7 years) experimenting with playing Evil campaigns and playing Monster characters such as Mind ...
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12 votes
6 answers

Is Having my Players Control Two Parties a Good Idea?

I'm new to DMing, and I'm currently working on a 5e homebrew campaign that I'll be running. At some point in the campaign (most likely towards the middle; this campaign will probably average-length), ...
DotaroVSJio's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Party betrayal in an evil campaign [closed]

I am participating in a once/twice a week 5e campaign based on running around doing conventionally evil things. The DM and I have talked and decided that I will be the BBEG. (Working against the ...
Alphadog 2064's user avatar
131 votes
12 answers

Evil Campaigns: How to explain the difference between being evil and being a jerk?

My friend has recently started running an evil campaign. His players are having serious difficulty telling the difference between comitting evil deeds and doing random things that are evil acts. ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Is there a class/archetype/prestige class/feat that can absorb the lifeforce of an enemy to fuel its power? [closed]

Pretty clear: I am going to do an evil character in an evil campaign, and I like the idea of using the life of my enemies to fuel my power. I am looking for anything that turn an enemy into a ...
anonyme's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How would you communicate with a player attacking his own teammates while disguised without the other players finding out it's him?

I've heard of players killing their comrades while asleep or stuff like that, which can be handled by the master with some planning with the player. But how would you handle a situation in which a ...
Eärendil Baggins's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Optimal martial ranged non-human level 15 build for DPR/Survival

How can I build the highest damage per round martial ranged character following these requirements? Muticlass is allowed. Level 15. Any race other than human. DMG, EE companion, SCAG and some ...
Korashar86's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Can creatures tell if they've been blessed or cursed by Prayer?

When casting Prayer, you give your allies a bonus and your foes a penalty on most rolls. Now, assuming you get to choose who your allies and foes are, can a creature tell which one you've designated ...
GreySage's user avatar
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54 votes
5 answers

How to build an evil campaign

I'm going to start DM'ing for the first time next week. When I got together with my group to figure out what type of game to play, when we got to alignment, I told them they either all needed to be ...
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13 votes
7 answers

Turning a Campaign Evil Leads to "Problems"

The campaign I'm running right now has a noble-kinda purpose: to kill the Evil Witch and save the world, etc., you get the point. As a plot twist I am thinking of turning the campaign to being more ...
Valamorde's user avatar
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56 votes
9 answers

What are the essential features of a successful evil campaign?

Until this point, I have demanded that my players not build characters with evil alignments, as I am familiar with how to design campaigns and adventures around "good" or "redemption" themes. However,...
Cat's user avatar
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17 votes
6 answers

What fantasy systems center on evil characters and specifically the consequences of being evil? [closed]

I am looking to run a campaign of evil characters, but I want them to have consequences for being evil. The more evil power you gain the more it changes your physical body, mental state and ability to ...
Ronaldo Nascimento's user avatar
13 votes
8 answers

What are some of the major challenges in playing an Evil Character? [closed]

What are some of the major challenges in playing an Evil Character (whether that's a formal alignment or not) in a co-operative party game, and likewise, what are some of the reasons many groups ...
LeguRi's user avatar
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