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Questions tagged [campaign-settings]

For questions primarily about published or player-created game worlds in which ongoing adventures take place.

108 votes
13 answers

How many people does it take to steal a Star Destroyer?

The stats for the Imperial class Star Destroyer in West End Games's Star Wars RPG list the skeleton crew for the vessel as 5,000 people. They define the skeleton crew as "the absolute minimum number ...
AceCalhoon's user avatar
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56 votes
10 answers

Medieval problems in a magical world

This is a bit of a broad question, but I will try to narrow it down to this: When GMing a medieval fantasy, and conflicts arise between the medieval times and the magical world (mostly D&D and ...
Nils Munch's user avatar
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45 votes
11 answers

I'm feeling like my character doesn't fit the campaign

My boyfriend is DMing a D&D 5e game for a good friend of mine and I. It's a pirate themed campaign, which I was excited about, and takes place in a universe where magic is not believed in by most (...
Islamuerta's user avatar
42 votes
14 answers

How can an aristocracy be perpetuated between creatures that can't interbreed?

The 25-year-old human prince of a 50-year-old small nation (total population maybe 100,000 spread out in a rather large valley among settlements no larger than 5,000 creatures each) is looking to ...
Hey I Can Chan's user avatar
41 votes
10 answers

Is there a plausible explanation for a large number of armed adventurers in a fantasy RPG setting?

I'm working on a Dungeons & Dragons setting. I'm looking for a comprehensive and logical explanation why, in a feudal society similar to Western Europe in the Middle Ages, there might be bands of ...
RobertF's user avatar
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40 votes
12 answers

Player character wants a gun in a prehistoric campaign. What to do?

Brief description of my campaign: Takes place ~1000 years after creation Bronze Age for most of the world, some parts are beginning the Iron Age Dinosaurs and Fae are still relatively common in the ...
MageGuy's user avatar
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40 votes
4 answers

Is Forgotten Realms the default setting in 5e?

In D&D 3.x, the core books stated that the default setting was Greyhawk and the first few adventures were set in it (e.g. The Sunless Citadel, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil). In D&D ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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35 votes
10 answers

Helping new players learn a setting on the go

I started a new Eberron campaign last night, and I quickly ran into the problem of my players not knowing much of anything about the campaign setting. What is the <...
C. Ross's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

Does Forgotten Realms setting count as “High magic”?

Could you please provide some sources about that? I am asking about the categories listed in the DMG in the Starting Equipment equipment table, and for calculating price of enchantment items and such ...
Ohar's user avatar
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31 votes
17 answers

Introducing an unorthodox setting the players know NOTHING about

Just a while back, there has been a question concerning GMing a setting the players know better than the GM. Now, let me ask you sort of an inverse of that question. I.e. how to introduce and ...
John's user avatar
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30 votes
1 answer

What tabletop setting (if any) is this 1980s map from?

My dad found a photo from his college D&D game, and we're wondering what setting this map on the wall might be from. The photo was taken in 1986, and my dad doesn't recall any specific setting ...
Cooper's user avatar
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29 votes
6 answers

How to tell your players about the setting without make them read?

I'm a (quite) new GM who's going to start a Traveller campaign, where my players don't know anything about the setting (be it the canon one or a modified one). I tried to sum the basic setting ...
FraNe91's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

Is there a core campaign setting for DnD 4e?

I'm completely new to RPGs in general, so I apologize in advance if this is an odd question. There's such an overwhelming abundance of lore on all the different campaign settings for DnD that I've ...
Mox's user avatar
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28 votes
8 answers

Overcoming setting complexity paralysis as a GM

The problem What are the best practices to overcome that certain “complexity paralysis” that may strike a GM when trying to learn and immerse himself in a setting that has a lot of intricate ...
OpaCitiZen's user avatar
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28 votes
7 answers

How can I communicate setting and campaign information to the PCs without providing direct exposition myself or through a DMPC?

In the past, I've almost always had at least one NPC that would travel with the characters as a type of "lore master" to expand on the story. I've tried to make the character witty and, once the ...
Ray301's user avatar
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