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Where can I find more information about Urdvaergs?

This Web article on Dwarves mentions the Urdvaergs: Extremely rare to be seen, an Urdvaerg is almost regarded as a half-god by other dwarves. It is said they live for thousands of years and that ...
markyboy156's user avatar
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In Black Company, do ambush + sniper shot stack?

In the Black Company campaign setting, does a scout's ambush damage stack with their sniper shot damage, or does one take precedence?
John Doe's user avatar
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Can you reduce casting times in The Black Company magic system?

In The Black Company's magic system, it is possible to increase the casting time of a spell in order to reduce its DC to cast. Is it possible to do the reverse, increasing the DC to make it faster?
John Doe's user avatar
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Adapting classes for a game in a world become newly magical

Civilisation prospered in the world of Ishtar. The world was separated into many countries, but war was rare and trade was flourishing. Harvests were not always abundant, but the good years more than ...
Maxime Lucas's user avatar
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How can I retain a classical (rather than medieval) feel in my game?

I'm running a campaign (D&D 3.5, moderately houseruled) set in a world in a classical era. You might compare it to the Han dynasty, or to the Roman Republic--Roman Principate (Sulla to Trajan), in ...
Charles's user avatar
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How should I handle including features from a settings book when they might cause problems for me? [closed]

I have a player of a gnome who tries to get almost everything from campaign setting books. Should I grant him these thing without including the entire book? For example: He tried to get the feat "...
Simon's user avatar
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14 answers

How can an aristocracy be perpetuated between creatures that can't interbreed?

The 25-year-old human prince of a 50-year-old small nation (total population maybe 100,000 spread out in a rather large valley among settlements no larger than 5,000 creatures each) is looking to ...
Hey I Can Chan's user avatar
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How can PCs defeat a magical Necrotic Cyst-based surveillance state?

In his excellent answer to this question, Brian Ballsun-Stanton posited a horrifying surveillance state using, at its core, a handful of powerful creatures, the feat Mother Cyst (LM 28), and a ...
Hey I Can Chan's user avatar
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Converting 4e Forgotten Realms setting to 3.5e or Pathfinder [closed]

I'm trying to use the 4th edition Forgotten Realms campaign setting in either Pathfinder or D&D 3.5, which I use, as the idea for the Spellplague is awesome. Can someone help me convert this from ...
h313's user avatar
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Is there any fluff for the druid's "A Thousand Faces" ability?

I played a D&D 3.5 campaign years ago, and one PC was a druid. The player did a pretty awesome job as a spy thanks to the multiple divination spells, Wild Shape and especially A Thousand Faces: ...
Trajan's user avatar
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Creating a Racial Template (DnD 3.5)

So I had an idea for a race for my world. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I needed it to be a template, not a race. I'm trying to create a version of Elves, but the origin of ...
Alyksandrei's user avatar
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Is it legal to write and distribute adventures or campaign settings for D&D 3.5?

I am considering writing and selling adventures and/or a campaign setting for Dungeons and Dragons v3.5 and I am wondering if it is legal to do so. Also what am I allowed to use from the official ...
Antonio's user avatar
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What changed in Eberron between 3.5e and 4e?

Both in terms of setting fluff and game mechanics, what are the differences between the original D&D 3.5 version of Eberron and its D&D 4th edition version?
Joe Dovahkiin's user avatar
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Materials for a post War of the Lance campaign

Soon we will be starting a DragonLance campaign, and we have settled on the post War of Lance, around a year after the official end of the war. The problem I have is that there are barely any ...
Maurycy's user avatar
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Dealing with magic in Ravenloft

Ravenloft is my pet peeve when it comes to settings. I don't like it, it's too dark for my tastes, but occasionally I had to survive through it, although for a brief time. Something I never got clear ...
Stefano Borini's user avatar