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Is this a good homebrew pantheon? [closed]

For my homebrew setting, I was wondering if this pantheon was balanced, with enough deities for every role and not too much overlap. Ink-The god of knowledge, study, and learning. They have made it ...
NielIGuess's user avatar
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A spell that let's you travel to another setting. Which level would it be? [closed]

My last campaign took place in the Forgotten Realms. The characters lived in a kingdom, which was threatened to be annihilated by some strange outside force. In the course of the story, the characters ...
hohenheim's user avatar
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Game design process to create a White-Wolf-like setting?

I have noticed that there seems to be a pattern at work in most oWod/WoD products, which when followed results in settings with the following properties: Each new PC starts with many possible ...
Metalcoder's user avatar
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When adapting a setting to 13th Age, how to decide what is an Icon?

Like every body that ever read a good book and plays RPG you will want to make it into your next campaign setting. I am no different than most people. I'm aiming to adapt the setting of S. Erikson's ...
le-doude's user avatar
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Creating a Racial Template (DnD 3.5)

So I had an idea for a race for my world. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized I needed it to be a template, not a race. I'm trying to create a version of Elves, but the origin of ...
Alyksandrei's user avatar
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How can I make a homemade setting with WFRP 3e?

I created a setting with my friends and players and we are all familiar with it. We created legends and previous characters are now gods of the current age in the game. I decided that my next game ...
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Are there any low-magic 4e home-brew settings?

This question is in a sense related to "What RPGs treat magic as being common?" Aside from the WotC published setting of Dark Sun where magic is treated as something to be shunned, are there any home-...
Sorcerer Blob's user avatar