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5 votes
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Campaign in already existing world and story - fear of NPC domination

I am attempting to create a campaign utilizing a setting and lore from an already established series, World of Warcraft, but I fear my players may feel their story and characters overshadowed by this ...
Riccardo's user avatar
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How can I write up interesting filler for my campaign? [closed]

At the end of the fourth session, just yesterday, I actually ran out of content for the session almost an hour before I thought I would. So I'm going to employ the old 'Adventurer's Guild' trope to ...
Jon's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How to pass a world to a different DM

I'm about to pass the campaign setting I've been working on to a different DM. I've given them the references I made and I've done some slight explaining of certain elements. Is there anything else I ...
Gwideon's user avatar
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How to limit high-level PCs actions in an urban setting [closed]

When designing/GMing an urban quest, it is easy to limit PC actions or access to specific areas or buildings. City guards, bandits, heavy locked doors and so on represent relevant obstacles to their ...
firion's user avatar
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10 votes
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How can I retain a classical (rather than medieval) feel in my game?

I'm running a campaign (D&D 3.5, moderately houseruled) set in a world in a classical era. You might compare it to the Han dynasty, or to the Roman Republic--Roman Principate (Sulla to Trajan), in ...
Charles's user avatar
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How can I set up a villain with a really, really, long scope to his plans? [closed]

In the near future I will be running a campaign where the plot, very roughly goes as follows: It's the year X. The world has been destroyed in a process that has taken a long time. Most people alive ...
Melanie Smits's user avatar
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How to run a D&D urban campaign

I'm currently in the middle of DM'ing a city campaign. I've found it's quite a bit more difficult than a dungeon. I have the city mostly planned out (type of city, the ruler, the districts, centers of ...
Colin's user avatar
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6 votes
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What are established ways for playing a campaign based on a real-life environment?

I am thinking about starting a campaign which is based on my and my players' hometown and direct environment. I can imagine a plethora of pitfalls that come with this as opposed to creating a purely ...
Marc Dingena's user avatar
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16 votes
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Game design process to create a White-Wolf-like setting?

I have noticed that there seems to be a pattern at work in most oWod/WoD products, which when followed results in settings with the following properties: Each new PC starts with many possible ...
Metalcoder's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Introducing a complex game world to players unfamiliar with its fiction whilst still hitting the ground running with character creation?

I am preparing to start up a Hellfrost game using the Savage Worlds system. Although I've run Hellfrost before, it has always been for people who are already familiar with its fiction and fluff. In ...
Wibbs's user avatar
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31 votes
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Introducing an unorthodox setting the players know NOTHING about

Just a while back, there has been a question concerning GMing a setting the players know better than the GM. Now, let me ask you sort of an inverse of that question. I.e. how to introduce and ...
John's user avatar
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12 votes
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How can I add underworld intrigue to my Dresden Files game?

In D&D/Pathfinder/RIFTS/Shadowrun-type games I've played in the past, corrupt nobles/merchants, thieves' guilds, megacorps, ancient evils, and various religions with a flakey axe to grind were all ...
Tetra's user avatar
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Is there a method for sliding seamlessly from one system into another during a campaign?

Has anyone changed system/setting/genre but kept the characters during a campaign? Players can become very attached to their characters, even when the campaign/setting/genre or system is getting tired ...
Dr Rob Lang's user avatar
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56 votes
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Medieval problems in a magical world

This is a bit of a broad question, but I will try to narrow it down to this: When GMing a medieval fantasy, and conflicts arise between the medieval times and the magical world (mostly D&D and ...
Nils Munch's user avatar
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35 votes
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Helping new players learn a setting on the go

I started a new Eberron campaign last night, and I quickly ran into the problem of my players not knowing much of anything about the campaign setting. What is the <...
C. Ross's user avatar
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