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Questions tagged [balance]

For questions about balance or perceived inequities between characters, classes, subclasses, spells, etc. that should be of roughly equivalent capability with one another.

3 votes
1 answer

Would absorb elements once per short rest be balanced vs psychic damage vulnerability for a monk?

I plan to make my character an astral self monk and plan to later on take rogue and possibly fighter for the psionic subclasses. For roleplay/backstory purposes I asked the DM if I could have ...
6 votes
1 answer

Homebrew magical boots creation help

I have a D&D 5e character that was an acrobat, and I thought to create an item that helped me to act better on that. The item I presented to my DM was a pair of magical boots. It's a mixture of ...
77 votes
11 answers

Realistically, does Leomund’s Tiny Hut allow for indefinite long rests in a dungeon?

I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around this, but the more I read into Leomund’s tiny hut, the more it looks like it’s a spell designed entirely around taking free long rests in dungeons, or ...
13 votes
1 answer

Is there a balancing reason why you cannot switch unarmored defense when multiclassing?

I have a monk player that multiclasses into a barbarian. Since his constitution is higher than his wisdom he wants to use the barbarians unarmored defense feature. According the PHB page 164 If you ...
8 votes
1 answer

How would these buffs to underpowered prerequisite feats affect game balance?

Like many people who enjoy 3.5, I find that the issue of "feat tax" is incredibly pervasive - which is to say, there are a lot of feats that just feel like dead weight on a character sheet. ...
1 vote
3 answers

The GOD SLAP - Balancing for 5th edition

Question about balancing for 5th edition combat. I have this idea for a new attack. I call it the God Slap, a technique unique to monks that must be learned from studying at the feet of a master. The ...
7 votes
2 answers

Balancing help for homebrew warlock subclass

I have created a 5e warlock subclass heavily inspired by the leshen (specifically, an ancient leshen described in the Book of beautiful horrors). While overall I am very happy with the outcome, I ...
6 votes
1 answer

Is this homebrew Gloves of the Fire Fist magic item balanced as an uncommon item?

Just now I homebrewed the following item and gave it to a player: Gloves of the Fire Fist Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) While wearing the gloves, once per day the wearer can cast ...
13 votes
2 answers

In terms of damage, how do guns and gunslingers compare to other ranged classes?

I've been looking over the recent Pathfinder 2E expansion Guns and Gears and it seems that firearms are generally weak compared to most other weapons. The Gunslinger class supposedly specializes at ...
37 votes
11 answers

What are my options when other members of the party think my character is too powerful?

I've recently started playing DnD 5e with a group of friends, all of whom are very inexperienced - myself and the DM included. We all agreed at the start we were aiming for a very casual game ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is this Changeling homebrew race balanced?

The objective of this presentation is to provide a buffed yet balanced and more setting-encompassing alternative to the already introduced Changeling race. Ability Score Increase. When determining ...
5 votes
3 answers

How would this extra spellcasting rule affect game balance?

I once heard of a D&D 5th edition group who played using various house rules. One such rule was as follows: As a bonus action, a spellcaster may cast any cantrip, 1st level spell, or 2nd level ...
73 votes
6 answers

Is the old "Linear Fighters Quadratic Wizards" problem still around in 5e Basic?

(This question is a comparison to 3.x, though things might have been different in 4e) In 3.5e there is a large power and capability gap between fighters and wizards that fighters couldn't hope to ...
20 votes
6 answers

How does class balance change when I remove spellcasting?

Let's say I want to DM a hypothetical, low-magic, homebrew D&D 5e game, that pits weapon-wielding heroes against supernatural foes and evil sorcerers. Think Conan the Barbarian or Game of Thrones ...
3 votes
3 answers

Is this legendary homebrew cloak (Abyssal Regalia of the Dark Prince) balanced?

I am creating some homebrew magic items for the players of my campaign to custom-tailor to their needs and wishes. The characters are currently level 15 and nearing the end, so legendary items are on ...

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