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-2 votes
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Last American soldier leaving Afghanistan, was there a deal from American govt with Taliban to hold fire [duplicate]

Per the news the last American soldier boarded the flight showing his back to the Talibans, they could have fired shots since the last flight of American soldiers out numbered the Taliban forces. Also ...
Up-In-Air's user avatar
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"$300 Million a day on Afghanistan" - so what happens to that money now?

President Biden, in his speech regarding the conclusion of the withdrawal from Afghanistan yesterday, mentioned that it is estimated that 300 million USD per day was spent on the war in Afghanistan ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Why are the mistaken civilian deaths in the Afghanistan war by the US army considered by some to be war crimes? [closed]

Isn't a war crime deliberate with malicious intent? Shouldn't it be considered instead as blunders and bad decisions? Specifically, I watched the leaked video of the helicopter /drone gunner shooting ...
larry909's user avatar
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Is there an overview of battles between the Afghan Army and Taliban forces during the Resolute Support Mission (2015-2021)?

According to the Wikipedia page on the Resolute Support Mission (RSM): Resolute Support Mission or Operation Resolute Support was a NATO-led train, advise and assist mission consisting of about 7,772 ...
JJJ's user avatar
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What have the US and NATO done in Afghanistan for 20+ years?

I must admit I haven't followed the war in Afghanistan for many years. I know US went in there to find Osama, and they did so in 2010 or something (he was in Pakistan). Then they spent another 10 ...
michael's user avatar
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In the wake of the 2014 Iraqi army disintegration in front of ISIS, did the US make changes to how it trained such forces, esp. in Afghanistan?

Although some are shocked by the disintegration of Afghan army in front of the Taliban, I for one wasn't too surprised given the 2014 precedent provided by the US-trained Iraqi army, which ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why didn't US let the Taliban take over earlier in order to re-invade Afghanistan after that? [closed]

The US took down the Taliban regime in a matter of a few months. It then spent decades fighting them, because it essentially became a guerilla war against an invisible enemy, a war costly in money and ...
michael's user avatar
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How many afghans, who've worked with the US are still in country?

According to current Taliban's speed, it's a question of time, how long would Ghani's government would stand. For the last week they've captured about 10 provinces: I've read about US evacuating ...
user2501323's user avatar
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Are there any opinion polls in the US on [not] "letting" the Taliban win in Afghanistan (and the price Americans are willing to pay for that)?

Apparently withdrawing all US forces from Afghanistan has basically been the bipartisan vision at POTUS level since 2016 or so, albeit we only see the conclusion now (with the Taliban seemingly ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
-6 votes
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Is there any info about further destination of troops exiting Afganistan? [closed]

As US troops leaving Afganistan, it seems interesting to know where would they go. Returning home huge amount of veterans (returning from a lost conflict) can influence inner politics drastically - ...
user2501323's user avatar
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41 votes
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Why has 20 years of US occupation not removed the Taliban in Afghanistan?

With the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, a question one might ask is how is Taliban still in power, in fact gaining more control? It is known that the majority of the Taliban's income comes ...
user0193's user avatar
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How has Pakistan managed to defeat the US in Afghanistan?

It is very clear that the US is finding it extremely difficult to strike a win in Afghanistan and could even said to be losing, seemingly in part due to the rigid and intricate network of the Haqqanis ...
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