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Questions tagged [iraq]

Questions relating to the government or politics of the Republic of Iraq

9 votes
3 answers

Have other countries (besides Iraq) issued arrest warrants for some [former] US presidents?

The New Arab reported that Last year [2022], Iraq's judiciary issued an arrest warrant for former US president Trump for ordering the assassination of Soleimani and Muhandis. Did the judiciary in ...
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5 votes
2 answers

Does Kataib Hezbollah get any funding from the government of Iraq?

I am curious what it means exactly that PMF forces (including Kataib Hezbollah) are designated [...] as an "independent military formation" within the Iraqi armed forces. Do they actually ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Why do Iraqi officials repeatedly called for the withdrawal of coalition forces in Iraq?

Washington has had a continuous presence in Iraq since its 2003 invasion. Although all U.S. combat forces left in 2011, thousands of troops returned in 2014 to help the government of Iraq defeat IS. ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Have any prominent politicians in the US called for US troops to leave Iraq this year?

Some US politicians, like DeSantis, have said US troops in Iraq are just "sitting ducks", at their present strength, so called for either a surge or departure. “We’ve got troops in Syria ...
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0 votes
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What non-WMD weapons were Saddam Hussein prohibited from buying?

The Wikipedia page of UNSCR 1441 (the last one before the invasion, reiterating what had been said in previous resolutions and giving a 'final chance') says this: Iraq's breaches related not only to ...
edelex's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Did Iraq declare outright support for Hamas after Oct 7?

According to Le Monde they did: But a quick search didn't find any statements. So who in Iraq declared support for Hamas, and in what terms?
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3 votes
1 answer

Did any authority of note opine that the 1991-2002 Iraq no-fly zones amounted to occupation?

Regarding the Iraq no-fly zones of pre-invasion time. This military action was not authorised by the United Nations. The Secretary-General of the UN at the time the resolution was passed, Boutros ...
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0 votes
1 answer

Who gained more successes in Iran-Iraq war? [closed]

From the infobox of the Wikipedia article for the Iran-Iraq war: Result: Stalemate; both sides claim victory. Iraqi failure to capture Iranian territories and bolster Arab separatism in Iran's ...
Snack Exchange's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Did the Iraqi central government explicitly object to (or approve of) any deals by Russian oil & gas companies with the Kurdish Regional Government?

According to al-Jazeera, citing various (alas unnamed Russian and Kurdish diplomats/officials), Russia financially "saved" the KRG at a crucial time, by having its major oil/gas companies ...
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4 votes
2 answers

How strong was the Western pacifist campaign to not liberate Kuwait by force?

When Iraq invaded Kuwait their invasion was over in a couple of days and only a few hundred people died in those two days. Iraq was also said to have the 4th or 5th largest army in the world at the ...
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37 votes
4 answers

Did the US and allies ever apologize for their invasion of Iraq?

In reference to Did Soviet Union ever apologize for its alliance with Germany before 1941? We all know that the US and its coalition has invaded Iraq in 2003. They have toppled a government which was ...
alamar's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

How does the indignation of the Russo-Ukrainian War compare to the Iraq War? [duplicate]

I was only born in 2001. I know London and DC had enormous protests, but none of the details. So eyewitness accounts are great but I need historical data too. With the triumph of YouTube I can follow ...
Ethan Miller's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't Iraq just blockade the Bashiqa base if they really want the Turks gone from there?

Apparently there's a seven year dispute between the Iraqi central government and Turkey over the Turkish base at Bashiqa (near Mosul) located at about 150 km from the Turkish border. Seemingly there ...
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8 votes
1 answer

What did the Dutch law commission find about their own military participation in Iraq (2003-2005)?

As I don't speak/read Dutch, the most detailed article I found about this is in Der Spiegel. In summary (from there), the Dutch law commission found that the 2003 invasion of Iraq was illegal that ...
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2 votes
1 answer

How do the Iranian authorities or state-leaning media describe Muqtada al-Sadr?

Muqtada al-Sadr despite being Shia seems to be leading an Iraqi faction that seems to want to be less aligned with Iran. (His supporters have recently stormed the parliament, "chanting anti-Iran ...
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