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jak's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
  • Germany
12 votes

Terminology confusion - "particle"

9 votes

Are there really left-chiral particles?

8 votes

Why the extra term $\frac{1}{2}(\partial_{\rho}A^{\rho})^2$ in the photon Lagrangian?

8 votes

Physical interpretation of gamma matrices

7 votes

Why Lie algebras if what we care about in physics are groups?

6 votes

Two conflicting definitions of chirality

5 votes

Retarded and advanced Green's function and Feynman propagator

5 votes

Calculus of variations -- how does it make sense to vary the position and the velocity independently?

4 votes

Lorentz transformation and symmetries of the Lagrangian

4 votes

Group theoretical reason that Gluons carry color-charge and anti-colorcharge

4 votes

Gluon have colour-anticolour; what about weak bosons?

4 votes

Invariance of canonical Hamiltonian equation when adding the total time derivative of a function of $q_i$ and $t$ to the Lagrangian

4 votes

Temperature and Renormalization Scale in QFT

3 votes

Rotational symmetry $\leftrightarrow$ isotropy, dilation symmetry $\leftrightarrow$ ________?

3 votes

What's the difference between a generating function and a generator?

3 votes

Are terms with spinors analogous to $ ( \partial_\mu \Phi )(\partial^\mu \Phi)$ forbidden in the Lagrangian?

3 votes

What are the six quark mass values when extrapolated to Planck energy?

3 votes

Why do we need to renormalize in QFT, really?

2 votes

Prove that Noether's Theorem produces generators of the symmetry

2 votes

What's the intuitive reason that phase space flow is incompressible in Classical Mechanics but compressible in Quantum Mechanics?

1 vote

About Lorentz Group

1 vote

What happens to the global $U(1)$ symmetry in alternative formulations of Quantum Mechanics?

1 vote

Canonical transformations preserve Hamilton's equations. Which transformation preserve the Euler-Lagrange equations?

1 vote

How does the Hamiltonian change if $L\to L + \frac{dF}{dt}$?

1 vote

What does $\frac{d\rho}{dt} =0$ but $\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} \neq 0 $ mean intuitively?

1 vote

What justifies the use of asymptotic momentum state?

1 vote

Motivation for usage of 4-vectors in special relativity

1 vote

Why and how is the speed of light in vacuum constant, i.e., independent of reference frame?

1 vote

Dirac spinor and Lorentz group

0 votes

Is there some truth to the often told story that the running of couplings is the result of screening through virtual particles?