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29 votes
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Extended Born relativity, Nambu 3-form and ternary ($n$-ary) symmetry

Background: Classical Mechanics is based on the Poincare-Cartan two-form $$\omega_2=dx\wedge dp$$ where $p=\dot{x}$. Quantum mechanics is secretly a subtle modification of this. On the other hand, the ...
15 votes
0 answers

Is it known what the necessary and sufficient conditions are for the existence of a "3+1 split" (by means of a foliation) of a (Lorentzian) manifold?

When trying to do physics on a more general pseudo-Riemannian manifold we want to require that there is a foliation of this manifold into three-dimensional subspaces. By this I mean we would like to ...
14 votes
0 answers

What is the stringy interpretation of the cohomology classes arising from the Kähler class?

In superstring theory, one usually considers compactifications on Calabi-Yau 3-manifolds. These manifolds are in particular compact Kähler, hence possess a Kähler class which gives rise to nontrivial ...
11 votes
0 answers

View of the sky from inside a black hole

Consider an observer located at radius $r_o$ from a Schwarzschild black hole of radius $r_s$. The observer may be inside the event horizon ($r_o < r_s$). Suppose the observer receives a light ray ...
11 votes
0 answers

Significance for LQG of Sen's result on entropy of black holes?

Sen 2013 says, ...we apply Euclidean gravity to compute logarithmic corrections to the entropy of various non-extremal black holes in different dimensions [...] For Schwarzschild black holes in ...
10 votes
0 answers

Can you put the Spin Connection in block diagonal form? (to be applied to the Atiyah-Singer theorem)

I'm following the notes by Freed about the Dirac Operator. In section 5.4, equation (5.4.25-27), he makes the following claim about the Dirac operator. In a different notation than what he is using, ...
10 votes
0 answers

What really are exotic supersymmetric black holes?

I have just read (in the black holes chapter 14 on p244 of this book Ref.1) that in string theory, when one adds an (electric?) charge $Q$ to a static black hole, one can arrive at an exotic ...
10 votes
0 answers

Can a nearly-extremal black hole be stable against Schwinger vacuum breakdown?

I was doing some basic algebra to estimate the range of possible masses $M$ and electric charge $Q$ for a nearly extremal Reissner-Noström black hole. I want to see if the logic is correct the ...
10 votes
0 answers

Can we have consistent histories inside a black hole?

A consistent history is a POVM set of observables corresponding to a time-ordered product of projection operators. For gauge theories, not any old operator will do, only gauge-invariant observables. ...
9 votes
0 answers

Weyl transformation vs diffeomorphism; conformal invariant vs general in/covariant

Background info: My understanding: 1. Weyl transformation is a local rescaling of the metric tensor $$ g_{ab}\rightarrow e^{-2\omega(x)}g_{ab} $$ A theory invariant under this Weyl transformation is ...
9 votes
0 answers

Objective time derivative that is not a Lie derivative

Summary Led by an interest into the concept of "Material Objectivity", I am asking myself: Are there objective time rates that are not Lie derivatives? The long read I am trying to understand the ...
9 votes
0 answers

What exactly is the relationship between the symplectic 2-form and the frequency of leaves of integrable systems in classical mechanics?

In classical mechanics we equip a differential manifold with a closed symplectic 2-form $\omega$. The symplectic leaves of integrable systems also have a unique frequency, in literature denoted $\...
9 votes
0 answers

Does Hawking radiation need an apparent horizon and when does it switch on during stellar collapse?

I've read that Hawking radiation is implicitly linked with the existence of an apparent horizon (1). This seems a slightly less onerous than linking Hawking radiation with a genuine bona fide event ...
9 votes
0 answers

Why is the Ricci tensor diagonal for isotropic spacetime?

I'm reading Zee's Einstein Gravity in a Nutshell and while calculating the Ricci tensor for FRW spacetime he claims that because the spacelike slices of constant $t$ are rotationally invariant, the ...
8 votes
0 answers

Derivation of the Hypersurface Deformation Algebra

Let $({M},{g})$ be a smooth $4d$ spacetime manifold with lorentzian metric $g$ and local coordinates $\xi^{\alpha}$ and let further $({N},{q})$ be a smooth $3d$ manifold with metric $q$ and local ...

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