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Nuclear Spin of Sodium 23

I am actually calculating the nuclear spin of Sodium 23. Here we have 11 protons and 12 neutrons. Now both the nuclei are short of the magic numbers. When I use the shell model for protons and ...
bluesquare's user avatar
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If a spin $\frac{1}{2}$ particle flips its sign after a 360° rotation, why don't theorists just say it rotated by 180°?

Usually, when a wave or wave-like object or system goes through a $180^{\circ}$ twist or turn or whatever, we say it is opposite to how it was oriented before, and if it came across its former self ...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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What is the momentum canonically conjugate to spin in QM?

In Kopec and Usadel's Phys. Rev. Lett. 78.1988, a spin glass Hamiltonian is introduced in the form: $$ H = \frac{\Delta}{2}\sum_i \Pi^2_i - \sum_{i<j}J_{ij}\sigma_i \sigma_j, $$ where the ...
derpy's user avatar
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Mathematical meaning for Algebraic Bethe Ansatz

I'm a mathematician who's trying to understand the meaning of Algebraic Bethe Ansatz. What I understood is that when dealing with quantum integrable models (like XXZ Heisenberg spin chain), one is ...
BlueCharlie's user avatar
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Trying to understand how nucleon number relates to spin of nucleus

I keep reading that Nuclei with even number of protons and of neutrons have a net spin of zero. This I understand, as to have the lowest energy state, by the Pauli exclusion principle, all protons ...
Meep's user avatar
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Must spin glasses really have an exponential density of states close to the ground state?

I'm a complete beginner to spin glasses. I'm not even sure of the definition; I've mostly seen examples, like Sherrington-Kirkpatric with all-all pairwise normally distributed Ising interactions. ...
user196574's user avatar
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Two spin-1 system and the projector onto total spin 2 subspace [closed]

I am having trouble grasping the projection operators in the context of composite spins system, e.g. with two spin-1. First off, a projector $P$ is said to be an operator that squares to itself, $P^2=...
git-able's user avatar
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How do boundary conditions change during a spin transformation?

I am currently reading the following review paper: (1) Two Dimensional Model as a Soluble Problem for Many Fermions by Schultz et. al. Equation (3.2), which is reproduced below, introduces the Jordan-...
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$Z_2$ symmetry breaking in XXZ model

I have a question about an statement that is said in the paper Entanglement and spontaneous symmetry breaking in quantum spin models (Phys. Rev. A 68, 060301(R), (2013)). It is related to the XXZ ...
Khal_Rhaegarys's user avatar