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Path integral at large time

From the path integral of a QFT: $$Z=\int D\phi e^{-S[\phi]}$$ What is a nice argument to say that when we study the theory at large time $T$, this behaves as: $$ Z \to e^{-TE_0} $$ where $E_0$ is the ...
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Physical observables in the XY/sine-Gordon duality

My question is, during the duality map, real physical quantities seem to acquire a prefactor of $i$ and become purely imaginary. And I feel uncomfortable. Take bosonic current for example. Consider ...
T.P. Ho's user avatar
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physical interpratation of partition function in Quantym field theory

Partition function in Statistical mechanics is given by $$ Z = \sum_ne^{-\beta E_n} $$ For QFT, it is defined in terms of a path integral: $$ Z = \int D\phi e^{-S[\phi]} $$ How can we see the relation ...
BVquantization's user avatar
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How many Lagrangians can a QFT have?

I just stumbled across a presentation by Tachikawa about "What is Quantum Field Theory". He has an interesting perspective that we should think of (at least a subset of) quantum field ...
11zaq's user avatar
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The definition on vacuum-vacuum amplitude with current in chapter of External Field Method of Weinberg's QFT

I'm reading Vol. 2 of Weinberg's QFT. As what I learnt from both P&S and Weinberg, the generating function is defined as $$ Z[J] = \int \mathcal{D}\phi \exp(iS_{\text{F}}[\phi] + i\int d^4x\phi(x) ...
LaplaceSpell's user avatar
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The definition of the path integral

I still have big conceptual questions about the path integral. According to (24.6) of the book "QFT for the gifted amateur" from Lancaster & Blundell the path integral is equal to $$Z =\...
Frederic Thomas's user avatar
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What are exactly the loop correction to the potential? [duplicate]

I am struggling with the concept of quantum effective action, but first recall the definition : given a Wilsonian effective action $W[J]$ of our theory, the quantum effective action is just $$\Gamma[\...
Filippo's user avatar
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Making sense of stationary phase method for the path integral

I am trying to understand this paper/set of notes. I have already seen the following related question: Does the stationary phase approximation equal the tree-level term? but had some trouble following ...
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Interpreting generating functional as sum of all diagrams

The generating functional is defined as: $$Z[J] = \int \mathcal{D}[\phi] \exp\Big[\frac{i}{\hbar}\int d^4x [\mathcal{L} + J(x)\phi(x)]\Big].$$ I know this object is used as a tool to generate ...
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Examples of Path integral $\neq$ Partition function?

Are there any systems we know of whose partition function is not simply Wick rotation of the path integral? Does anyone know of any examples?
Dr. user44690's user avatar
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$(\mathcal{S}\mathcal{T})^3=\mathcal{S}^2=+1$ mistake in CFT big yellow book?

In Conformal Field Theory Philippe by Di Francesco, Pierre Mathieu David Sénéchal Sec 10.l. Conformal Field Theory on the Torus eq.10.9 says the modular transformation $\mathcal{T}$ and $\mathcal{S}$ ...
zeta's user avatar
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What is the gravitational path integral computing?

What is the gravitational path integral (which roughly goes like $\int [dg]e^{iS_{\text{EH}}[g]}$) computing? Usually, path integrals arise from transition amplitudes such as these: $\lim_{T\to\infty}\...
dennis's user avatar
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Thermodynamic free energy of interacting system

This question concerns an interacting system's thermodynamic free energy $\Omega$. Generally speaking, The action $S$ for an interacting system has the following form: \begin{equation} S(\phi,\psi) = ...
Mass's user avatar
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External/Background Fields Meaning

(I'll work in the Euclidean for convenience) In the path integral formulation of QFT given a field $\phi$, or a set of them if you want to, we have that the partition function is given by: $$Z[J] = \...
LolloBoldo's user avatar
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Semiclassic limit of a QFT in Zinn-Justin

I am reading the Zinn-Justin book "Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena" and i have come across a perplexing point. Given the partition functional, in Euclidean QFT: $$Z[J, \hbar] = \...
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