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QFT generating functional and Green function and propagator

I am confused about why does the generating functional gives the propagator by differentiation, and why that propagator is the Green function. I understand how to take the functional derivative like ...
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Connected part of $S$-matrix generating functional

I am currently studying an article by A.Jevicki et. al. ( and I am a little confused. They say that the generating functional of the $S$-matrix is related to ...
DGeometry's user avatar
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Physical meaning of $\langle 0|S(+\infty,-\infty)|0 \rangle$

when I am reading text book Introduction to Many body physics Piers Coleman 2nd editor, Equation (5.26). I got confused about the meaning of $\langle0|S(+\infty,-\infty)|0\rangle$. first problem $|...
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Explicit calculation of the two-point function by path integrals

I need help carrying out the following calculation: We have the generating functional of free theory: $$Z[f] = \exp\left(\frac{i}{2} \int d^4xd^4y f(x)f(y)\Delta(x-y)\right) $$ where $f$ is an ...
Jakob Elias's user avatar
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Green Function generating functional and Fourier transform spaces

I am given the transform of the generating functional for free Klein-Gordon theory, $$Z[J]=N\int D\phi \, e^{i\int d^4 J(x)\phi(x)}\tilde{Z}[\phi]$$ where $\phi(x)$ is a scalar field. I'm a little ...
PsycoPulcino's user avatar
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Physical interpretations of the generating functions $Z[J]$ and $W[J]$ (or $E[J]$)

In quantum field theory, the generator of all Green's functions $Z[J]$ and that of the connected Green's functions $E[J]$ are related as $$Z[J]=\exp[-iE[J]]=\int D\phi\exp[i\int d^4x(\mathcal{L}(\phi)+...
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