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Is tree-level QCD on-shell constructible, with BCFW?

Is tree-level QCD on-shell constructible, with BCFW? Pure yang mills is on-shell constructible, what is one add into massless fermions?
Yu J's user avatar
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Equations of motion of classical chromodynamics with Yang-Mills theory

I am currently reading a paper about classical chromodynamics: However I have problems understanding equation (2) and (4) (2): \begin{equation} F_{\mu \nu}= \...
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Why is the self-energy for quarks in $d=2$ Large $N$ QCD only order $g^2$?

In an interesting article by 't Hooft , he is able to find the exact quark propagator, in the large $N$ limit of QCD. He finds that the full 1PI self-energy is given by: $$\Gamma(p)=-\frac{g^2}{2\pi} \...
Anonjohn's user avatar
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What is the matrix form of the gluon field strength tensor?

For electromagnetism, the matrix form $$\Bbb{F}^{\mu \nu}=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & E_x/c, & E_y/c & E_z /c \\ -E_x/c & 0 & B_z & -B_y \\ -E_y /c & -B_z & 0 & B_x \\ -...
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Understanding the prefactor $\frac{\theta g^2}{32\pi^2}$ of the $F\tilde{F}$ term in Yang-Mills theories

The most general Yang-Mills (YM) action consistent with Lorentz invariance, gauge invariance and renormalizability should contain a term $$\kappa F_{\mu\nu a}\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu a}\tag{1}$$ where $\...
SRS's user avatar
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How can we tell a theory is confining?

Physically, I understand what it means for a theory to be confining. The elementary particles are not observable, but only composite particles are. The classic example is QCD, where quarks are ...
fewfew4's user avatar
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Intuition for Asymptotic Freedom

In QED, the $\beta$-function has a positive sign. This means that the coupling increases at higher energies, or equivalently, smaller length scales. This picture is made intuitively clear by the ...
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How does the underlying symmetry of QCD imply the allowance of a 4-gluon vertex?

Quantum chromodynamics allows for a four-gluon vertex such as this, in a diagram Such a vertex would never be allowed in quantum electrodynamics, which has an underlying U(1) gauge symmetry. I know ...
Featherball's user avatar
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$U(N)$ & $SU(N)$ : What's the conceptual difference in Gauge Theory?

I know the mathematical difference that one means $ absolutevalue(det) = 1$ and one means det = 1 (rotation) and that ones the subgroup of the other and so on. But: has a local/gauged $SU(3)$ ...
VN23's user avatar
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Are theta vacua topologically protected?

In discussions of Yang-Mills instantons it is often stated that one should sum in the path integral over all contributions of fluctuations around all the topologically distinct vacua labelled by ...
Michael Angelo's user avatar
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A Naive Question about Gauge Theory

I am suffering from a question I encountered from the lecture notes of gauge theory by David Tong. The problem comes from page 67 on the gauge fixing in back-ground gauge method. In David Tong's ...
Valac's user avatar
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Why quarks in the fundamental and gluons in the adjoint?

I have been told that in gauge theories “fermionic matter goes in the fundamental rep of $SU(N)$, while gauge fields go in the adjoint rep”. I understand how this works, and for instance, in QCD,...
MBolin's user avatar
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Wilson loop and Polyakov loop

As I understand, the Wilson line is the operator $W(x) = P\exp(i\int_{xi}^{xf} A.dx)$, where $P$ is path ordering. The Polyakov loop $P(x)$ on the other hand is the trace of the Wilson loop $W(x)$ ...
Angela's user avatar
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Invariance of Yang-Mills Lagrangian under charge conjugation

The Yang-Mills Lagrangian gauge invariant under an $SU(N)$ tranformation can be written as $${\cal L} = -\frac{1}{4}F_{\mu\nu}^i F^{i\ \mu\nu} \tag1$$ (Sum over $i$ implicit) This Lagrangian ...
Vicky's user avatar
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Is color charge quantized?

I was reading this stackexchange question, and found the answer to my question not totally answered. Clearly there is color and anti-color in analogy to electric charge, and color charge clearly ...
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