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Visualization of a gauge field with non-null winding number

In QCD you may add the term $\mathcal{L}_{\theta} = \theta\dfrac{g^2}{16\pi^2} \text{Tr}F\tilde{F}$, which turns out to be a total derivative. Now, it can be proven that the action of this lagrangian ...
Gabriel Ybarra Marcaida's user avatar
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What makes electric and magnetic fields in Yang-Mills theories gauge co-variant?

Specifically in QCD, why is it so?
Mike's user avatar
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How to derive the gauge invariance of Yang-Mills action with external source?

In the Faddeev-Popov procedure of path integral of $$ Z[J] = \int [DA] e^{iS(A,J)}, \quad S(A,J)= \int d^4x [-\frac{1}{4}F^{a\mu\nu}F_{a\mu\nu} + J^{a\mu}A_{a\mu} ] $$ we have used that $S(A,J)$ is ...
zixuan feng's user avatar
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Why is it justified to focus on gauge transformations constant at spatial infinity in QCD instantons?

In the context of Yang-Mills theories and QCD instantons, much of the literature and conventional treatment hinges on the consideration of gauge transformations that remain constant at spatial ...
Kris's user avatar
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Why is there only one coupling constant in Yang-Mills theory? Why are gluon self-coupling and gluon-matter coupling constants the same?

Is it non-trivial that the coupling constant $g$ in gluon self-interaction terms is the same as the coupling constant $g$ in gluon-fermion interaction term in Yang-Mills theory? Pure Yang-Mills theory ...
TOAA's user avatar
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One-loop renormalization of the gauge coupling

Quoting Yuji Tachikawa, chapter 3 of "${\cal N}=2$ Supersymmetric Dynamics for Pedestrians": Recall the one-loop renormalization of the gauge coupling in a general Lagrangian field theory $$...
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Can I switch the convention of QCD by replacing coupling constant $g$ with $-g$?

There are two equivalent conventions in QCD that give two different definitions of the covariant derivative operator: ${D_\mu } = {\partial _\mu } - {\rm{i}}gA_\mu ^\alpha {T_\alpha }$ and ${D_\mu } = ...
aitzolander's user avatar
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What would the force arising from an $SU(4)$ gauge field operate like? (As in, how many charges, whether the boson would interact with the force, etc)

Heyo, i'm new to this all, and deadly curious what this would look like. If this isn't specific enough, lemme know.
Quinn Jackson's user avatar
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What makes the (non-abelian) strong interaction so special that it leads to confinement?

The strong interaction has a coupling constant of $\alpha_s(91GeV)\approx 0.1$ whereas the weak interaction has a much lower coupling constant $\alpha_w \approx 10^{-6}$. Both theories are non-abelian ...
Frederic Thomas's user avatar
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The 1-loop anomalous dimension of massless quark field for $SU(N)$ gauge theory with $n_f$ quark flavours

Considering $SU(N)$ gauge theory with $n_f$ massless quarks I want to find the anomalous dimension to order of 1-loop of the massless quark field, that defined by: $$\gamma_q(g^{(R)})=\frac{1}{2Z_q}\...
Daniel Vainshtein's user avatar
12 votes
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How many colors really are there in QCD?

In abelian gauge theory (electrodynamics), the matter fields transform like (please correct me if I am wrong) $$ |\psi\rangle\rightarrow e^{in\theta(x)}|\psi\rangle\tag{1} $$ under a gauge ...
user306604's user avatar
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Abelian theories with more than one charge

I have a question about the non-abelian character of QCD. In order to write a gauge-invariant Lagrangian, there must be a term with the strength tensor $X^{\mu\nu}_{a}X_{\mu\nu}^{a}$ where $$ X^a_{\mu\...
Renan Nobuyuki Hirayama's user avatar
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Polyakov loops and Wilson loops as order parameters

At zero temperature, the confinement/deconfinement criterion is the area/length law of the following non-local parameter called the Wilson loop: \begin{eqnarray} W=\text{Tr}\exp\left(\oint_CA_idx^i\...
Yuan Yao's user avatar
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What is the matrix form of the gluon field strength tensor?

For electromagnetism, the matrix form $$\Bbb{F}^{\mu \nu}=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & E_x/c, & E_y/c & E_z /c \\ -E_x/c & 0 & B_z & -B_y \\ -E_y /c & -B_z & 0 & B_x \\ -...
Anon21's user avatar
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Understanding the prefactor $\frac{\theta g^2}{32\pi^2}$ of the $F\tilde{F}$ term in Yang-Mills theories

The most general Yang-Mills (YM) action consistent with Lorentz invariance, gauge invariance and renormalizability should contain a term $$\kappa F_{\mu\nu a}\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu a}\tag{1}$$ where $\...
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