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Questions tagged [non-locality]

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4 answers

Computer analogy to non-locality in quantum mechanics

It is not uncommon to say that the non-locality of quantum mechanics is equivalent to the following computer analogy: if you are trying to model an entangled two spin system, then even if the spins ...
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What is wrong with violation of locality (EPR paradox)?

When studying the EPR paradox, at some point we must resign ourselves that Reality and Locality can not be both true in the current theory of quantum mechanics. A lot has been said in Physics.SE about ...
Emanuele Giordano's user avatar
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Does quantum entanglement necessitate that two particles communicate their state with one another?

I often hear it said that quantum particles, like an electron-positron pair or two entangled photons, which are entangled with one another communicate or transfer information about their state ...
alxmke's user avatar
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Is QFT "more" non-local than QM, at least mathematically?

Could physics still be local? Here's what I mean: The Schrodinger/Dirac equations allow for quantum entanglement, right? So in that sense they are non-local physically. But they are mathematically ...
Adam Herbst's user avatar
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Non-locality and Twistor functions

Is there a nice intuitive way to visualize the concept of non-locality associated to twistor functions? And how is it related to the type of non-locality we encounter in Quantum Mechanics?
paul230_x's user avatar
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Local vs Nonlocal electrodynamics

I am having a hard time to understand the difference between local and nonlocal electrodynamics. Does the former refer to the case when the charge (i.e electron) can be localized and the latter refer ...
JustStartedStudying's user avatar
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Has there been experimental evidence that entangled state collapses simultaneously?

If we observe the observable of one particle among two particles which are entangled each other and separated far away, we can determine the value of the other particle’s same observable from the ...
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Where does the negative cosine relation for quantum mechanical CHSH correlations come from?

I have been lately looking into Bell's inequality. I have noticed a recurring graph that depicts the correlation of two spins when measured at different angles, for the quantum and the classical case: ...
Oti's user avatar
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Many worlds is nonlocal too after all according to some physicists?

Not a physicist but I have understood that MWI is unique in that it preserves local dynamics. There is a wavefunction - not in spacetime but in some more abstract space. But the worlds with spacetime ...
J Kusin's user avatar
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Renormalization of non-local product of operators

In Unraveling hadron structure with generalized parton distributions by Belitsky and Radyushkin, appendix G, eq. (G.47) it is said that for renormalization of an on-local product of operators such as ...
Vicky's user avatar
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Are violations of realism the same thing as contextuality?

I am basically looking for a counter-example where we'd get contextuality but not violations of realism (and vice-versa). If no such counter-examples exist, then it seems to me that they're really one ...
Tfovid's user avatar
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How to rule out all forms of "realism"?

Thus, we see that local causality condition (1) is mathematically equivalent to the assumption of joint probabilities, $p(A_1,A_2,B_1,B_2)$. The latter is a form of realism: complementary observables ...
Juri V's user avatar
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Does non-local interepretations of quantum mechanics imply FTL communication? [closed]

For example the pilot wave theory... And if this is the case then does FTL commuincation imply time travel (i.e: information going back in time).
Omar Hossam Ahmed's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Quantum Monte Carlo for non local interactions?

I just have a brief question about QMC being applied to calculating expectation values. If I were to calculate the expectation value of an operator, like the energy via a Quantum Mote Carlo ...
AlphaBetaGamma96's user avatar
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Non-locality of pre-Klein-Gordon equation

In Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Bjorken and Drell state that expanding the square root in the equation $$-\hbar^2\frac{\partial^2\psi}{\partial t^2}=\sqrt{-\hbar^2c^2\boldsymbol{\nabla}^2+m^2c^4}\...
Rindler98's user avatar
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