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Could reducing entanglement by unitary operations allow for FTL-communication? (and why not?)

About the closure: This Question is about why manipulating 1 particle of an entangled pair unitarily can’t cause measurable consequences on the other and how this manifests in the concretely described ...
Zaph's user avatar
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Can a non-local theory be consistent with special relativity?

If there was a non-local theory that explained quantum entanglement correlations, does it follow that it would violate special relativity?
Hume's user avatar
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How do non-local correlations occur in QM without a cause? [closed]

The Copenhagen interpretation of QM ultimately amounts to asserting that non-local correlations occur without a cause since that cause would involve propagation of information faster than the speed ...
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Nonlocality of a bug on movie screen

I am currently learning quantum mechanics using Griffiths. In the appendix, he goes to talk about EPR and Bell's inequality, and that experimental verification of Bell's inequality rejects the "...
Davidson Cheng's user avatar
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Does quantum entanglement necessitate that two particles communicate their state with one another?

I often hear it said that quantum particles, like an electron-positron pair or two entangled photons, which are entangled with one another communicate or transfer information about their state ...
alxmke's user avatar
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Does non-local interepretations of quantum mechanics imply FTL communication? [closed]

For example the pilot wave theory... And if this is the case then does FTL commuincation imply time travel (i.e: information going back in time).
Omar Hossam Ahmed's user avatar
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Why does implementing the annihilation operator $\hat a$ not allow action at a distance?

I was reading a paper (link) in which they implement action at a distance using the annihilation operator, and in it they say that "this observation does not imply superluminal signaling because ...
FlyGuy's user avatar
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How can quantum entanglement not be non-local?

I know this kind of question has been brought up many times.I have read many posts here regarding this but I still have a problem with a certain aspect of it so please bear with me. Lets consider the ...
curio's user avatar
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Is there non-locality in the AdS/CFT?

Many String theorists are trying to restore bulk locality in the AdS/CFT. So does that mean the CFT, the boundary, is non-local? Does matter travel faster than light on the CFT?
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About the nonlocality of QM and faster-than-light/backward-in-time machines

The fact the quantum mechanics is nonlocal is known already for a long time, since the Bell works (1966 and later) and the Aspect's group experiments confirming the Bell-type CHSH inequality (1980 ...
Sofia's user avatar
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Non-locality in non-relativistic Quantum Mechanic

I guess the following obvious question is answered by any flavor of relativistic Quantum Mechanics, but I just wanted to check whether I understand correctly: Is it correct that nonrelativistic QM ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Why does the Dopfer EPR experiment require coincidence counting?

Dopfer Momentum-EPR experiment (1998) seems to provide a interesting tweak in the EPR experiment. To read more details on this experiment, see: Page 3 (labelled S290) of 'Experiment and the ...
diffeomorphism's user avatar