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Are field theories where free energy density depends on 2nd-order derivative non-local?

It is accepted that infinite order of derivatives in field theory lead to non-local effects while finite number of them local. reference within physics stack exchange Let’s take a lattice with next-...
Sudipta Nayak's user avatar
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Non-local Euler-Lagrange equations and Noether theorems

Following up my Noether theorem issues: how can Euler-Lagrange and Noether theorems be formulated for non-local lagrangians? Two examples from the literature: Example 1. Let $L(\phi, F(\phi))=-\dfrac{...
riemannium's user avatar
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Non-analytic functions and non-local Lagrangians

Infinite sums of increasingly higher-order derivatives, when present in Lagrangians, are typically taken as a sign of nonlocality. This is supposed to rule out fractional, negative and exotic (for ...
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What is locality?

In QFT and statistical mechanics, one is usually interested in studying integrals of the form: $$Z(\phi) =\int d\mu_{C}(\phi')e^{-V(\phi+\phi')}$$ where $\mu_{C}$ is Gaussian measure with mean zero ...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
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Energy and canonical momentum conservation in non-local classical field theory

Assume we have the following Lagrangian field density where $x, x'$ both three dimensional real vectors are coordinates and $t$ represents time, field is given by $\phi$. Assume for the sake of ...
HydrodynamicsPlease's user avatar
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Decomposition of rank-2 field and local interactions

Any rank-2 tensor can be decomposed in the following way $$ \phi_{\mu\nu} =\phi_{\mu\nu}^{TT} + \partial_{(\mu}\xi_{\nu)} +\frac{1}{4}T_{\mu\nu}s+\frac{1}{4}L_{\mu\nu}(w-3s) $$ where $\phi_{\mu\nu}^{...
apt45's user avatar
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Why infinite order derivative in Lagrangian density implies non-local?

There is a homework in field theory. It says that negative order of derivative( such as $\frac{1}{\nabla^2}$), fraction order of derivative ( such as $\nabla^{2/3}$ ) and infinite order derivative in ...
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Why can we always define the Lagrangian Density this way?

Learning some field theory, and many authors just claim "it is nice to express the Lagrangian as an integral $L = \int\mathcal{L}\,\mathrm{d}^3x$." Now I understand when dealing with fields, the sum's ...
Nate Stemen's user avatar
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Local versus non-local functionals

I'm new to field theory and I don't understand the difference between a "local" functional and a "non-local" functional. Explanations that I find resort to ambiguous definitions of locality and then ...
Doug's user avatar
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Non-local structure of field theory

Can someone explain what is non-local structure of field theory? I know you cannot have $\phi(x) \phi(y)$ term in Lagrangian which indicates the non-locality. However, why I cannot have the non-local ...
user45765's user avatar
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What is meant by a local Lagrangian density?

What is meant by a local Lagrangian density? How will a non-local Lagrangian look like? What is the problem that we do not consider such Lagrangian densities?
SRS's user avatar
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Definition of Local Function

Now a days I am studying Srednicki's QFT book. In its third chapter it is written that Any local function of φ(x) is a Lorentz scalar, [...] . Now my question is: What is a local function?
rainman's user avatar
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How to tell local and non-local in QFT?

I'm taking QFT course in this term. I'm quite curious that in QFT by which part of the mathematical expression can we tell a quantity or a theory is local or non-local?
Simon's user avatar
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Why are infinite order Lagrangians called 'non-local'?

And in what sense are they 'non-local'?
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