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Questions tagged [electromagnetism]

The classical theory of electric and magnetic fields, both in the static and dynamic case. It also covers general questions about magnets, electric attraction/repulsion, etc. Distinct from electrical-engineering.

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2 answers

Friction and electromagnetic force

What is the relationship between friction and electromagnetic force? At microscopic level, how does electromagnetic force cause friction?
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0 answers

Dipole antennas and the $B$ field

A dipole antenna responds to the electric component of a EM wave. Does the magnetic component of a EM wave have any effect on the performance of a receiving dipole antenna?
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1 answer

Is the Potential Energy just a bookkeeping device?

It is said that if the space is homogeneous then momentum is conserved. But I've been thinking in the following situation: Consider a parallel plates capacitor. In between the plates there is a ...
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2 answers

Is magneto-optic Kerr effect discernible for material with natural optical activity?

Magneto-optic Kerr effect requires a system with internal magnetism or external magnetic field and exhibits, say, circular dichroism for reflection measurements. Natural optical activity can have ...
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2 answers

Voltage drop in function of electric field and current distribution

For a wire, the voltage drop $\Delta V$ over a length $l$ of the wire is given by $\Delta V = \int\limits_l \mathbf{E}\cdot d\mathbf{l}$ with $\mathbf{E}$ the electric field. How to calculate this ...
1 vote
1 answer

Difference Between Plasma Potential and Floating Potential in a Plasma

I'm learning about Langmuir probes and I'm confused about the difference between the plasma potential $V_p$ and the floating potential $V_f$. From my understanding, when a plasma is in contact with a ...
19 votes
2 answers

What is degeneracy pressure?

What is "degeneracy pressure"? I know there are 4 fundamental forces- EM, gravity, weak and strong. But then degeneracy comes along ubiquitously in everything right from neutron star to the ...
2 votes
2 answers

Can photons interact with one another? [duplicate]

Photons can interact with matter, particles, nuclei, etc. But can they interact with one another? By interaction I mean any kind of physical interaction: Momentum/Energy transfer, electromagnetic ...
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0 answers

Force on current carrying loop due to non-uniform magnetic field

I was been taught that when there is a non-uniform magnetic field then the Force on a current carrying loop with Magnetic Moment M is F = M(dB/dx) where B is magnetic field. I can't get hold of this ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does the electric field ($E$ caused by induction) of a moving conductor in a magnetic field drop when connected to a curcuit?

We know that when a conductor moves in a homogenous magnetic field that is perpendicular to itself due to the amount of electric charge gathered on one end of the conductor( as a result of the lorentz ...
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1 answer

Derivation of the formula of the magnetic pressure exerted on a steady surface of current

How might one derive the magnetic pressure , $ P_B = \dfrac{B^2}{2\mu_0}$ exerted on a surface of current of density $K$? (I have observed it to be analogous to the formula of the electrostatic ...
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3 answers

Quick question regarding Larmor precession and bar magnets

I was just reading a bit about magnetic dipole moments, Larmor precession, angular momentum etc., but there was one little thing that was bothering me. As far as I know, any angular momentum will ...
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1 answer

Why is the length of a Faraday cage's lattice relevant to what wavelengths it blocks?

I believe the title is self-explanatory. I see a similar reasoning pop up often in other areas where EM radiation is being manipulated, e.g. lasers, radars, radio telescopes and so on. The wavelength ...
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0 answers

Deriving dispersion relation of hyperbolic material

I am trying to derive the following form of the dispersion relation for hyperbolic material: From the literature, this dispersion relation is achieved by setting the determinant of the below matrix ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why do ferromagnetic materials have high magnetic permeability?

What is peculiar about the structure of ferromagnetic materials which gives them their high magnetic permeability?
3 votes
6 answers

In a simple battery + resistor circuit, what form of energy is lost from the electrons upon exiting the resistor?

I will give this question a little context. Firstly, as I understand it, as soon as I "close the switch" on a circuit, electric current pretty quickly establishes a steady state where, at any given ...
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0 answers

Is the frequency dependence of Joule heating due to the skin effect?

In this question, I'm considering two separate effects: Joule heating, in which energy in a good conductor is lost as heat due to the dissipation of energy during charge carrier collisions. The skin ...
4 votes
3 answers

Field induced outside a grounded 2D circle conductor by an exterior point charge. A puzzle, not what you think!

A unit charge is placed outside a grounded conducting unit radius circle at the origin. What is the field outside the circle? This is not the obvious problem you immediately think it is. A classic, ...
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0 answers

Terminal velocity of a bar magnet in a long conducting tube (quantitative)

If a bar magnet is dropped into a copper (conducting) tube, it reaches a terminal velocity. I'm trying to derive this terminal velocity. We know from Lenz's law that $e=\frac{-d\phi}{dt}$. I'm facing ...
1 vote
0 answers

What actually happens when light goes into a waveguide?

I have only dealt with a rudimentary theoretical treatment of how light propagates inside a waveguide, such as those available in Griffiths. One thing bugging me is that I still do not know how ...
0 votes
1 answer

Flux change through a loop

I'm having difficulties understanding this thing. It would be lovable if someone could show me its derivations and prove it: In a conducting loop, there is a relationship between the total displaced ...
1 vote
1 answer

Permittivity real and imaginary parts with similar value possible?

Here's the context; I'm studying biological tissues that are supposed to behave like dielectrics. Using the modified cole-cole equation for theoretical predictions: $$\tilde{\varepsilon}_r (\omega )= \...
1 vote
2 answers

Transformers: How does current in primary coil change?

I was doing a question on transformers and found this really confusing question: A 100% efficient transformer converts a 240V input voltage to a 12V output voltage. The output power of the ...
2 votes
4 answers

Derivation of covariant derivative

I'm currently doing Introductory QFT and was confused about the origin of the additional terms in the covariant derivate. My understanding is as follows: If we begin with the Dirac Lagrangian ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why electric field increase near the cable connected in AC 220V socket even current is zero?

If I put low frequency electric field meter near the connected cable in AC 220V socket, he show 1200 V/m even if device is turn OFF(zero current), if disconnect cable from socket, field drop to 8 V/m. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Assessing Error Step Size in Continuous Charge Distributions

For obtaining the electric field for bodies at the macroscopic scale, the discontinuities in the charge distributions are ignored. A continuous function for the charge distribution is considered. But ...
0 votes
3 answers

Magnetic field for a cylindrical shell in which current flows

If we have a cylindrical shell along the z-axis, with current density $\vec j= j_0 \vec e_z$ and small radius $R_i$ and big radius $R_a$. I tried to find the magnetic field inside by using Ampere's ...
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0 answers

Force acting on an infinite wire with current inside a magnetic medium

I've recently stumbled on an electromagnetics problem that I don't quite understand. There is an infinite wire carrying current I that is placed inside a medium with magnetic permittivity μ1. At a ...
0 votes
0 answers

Displacement current and magnetic field in capacitor with dielectric

I have a capacitor with round plates of radius $r_{2}$ kept at a distance $d$, with a voltage $V\left(t\right) = V_{0} \cos \left(\omega t\right).$ Inside, there is cylindrical material with a certain ...
1 vote
2 answers

Coulomb Gauge misunderstanding

If we have $\vec A(\vec r,t)$ and $\phi (\vec r,t)$ and we make the following gauge transformations: $$\vec A(\vec r,t)'= \vec A(\vec r,t) + \nabla f(\vec r,t)$$ $$\phi(\vec r,t)'=\phi(\vec r,t) - \...

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