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Why dont you take derivative of force in definition of power ? P=F.v

The derivative of work is $\bf F\cdot v .$ $$P(t)= \frac{\mathrm dW}{\mathrm dt}= \mathbf{F\cdot v}=-\frac{\mathrm dU}{\mathrm dt}\;.$$ But why not $$\frac{\mathrm{d}\mathbf{F}}{\mathrm{d}t}\cdot \...
Joe's user avatar
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How to model terminal velocity as a function of gravitational acceleration?

Taking the most simplistic form of terminal velocity, $v=\sqrt{\frac{mg}{c}}$ I want to try and derive an equation that models the velocity as g changes in height.. Because obviously the terminal ...
Uys of Spades's user avatar
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Can you take the integral of $ d^2x\over dt^2$? [closed]

I am messing around with physics problems, and as silly as this maybe how do you take the integral of $$\int_0^\infty xd^2x$$ For example taking Newton's Second law $F=ma$ $$ F=m{d^2x\over dt^2} $$...
Uys of Spades's user avatar
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Find $\oint xdx+2ydy+3zdz$ on the line segment formed by points $A(1,0,-1)$,$B(2,5,-1)$ [closed]

Find $\oint xdx+2ydy+3zdz$ on the line segment formed by points $A(1,0,-1)$,$B(2,5,-1)$ My approach: First I find the line segment formed by $A,B$ which is $\vec l(t)=\vec{OA}+t\vec{AB}=(1,0,-1)+t(1,...
Wanderer's user avatar
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Differentiating displacement with respect to speed in order to obtain time

I have this problem where I am trying to calculate $d(t)$ and $v(t)$ of a mass m on a spring, dropped from a displacement $A$, without using anything else than Hooke's law and energy calculations. ...
Elias Hasle's user avatar
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Falling rain drop problem [closed]

EDIT: I've read that a ball moving in a rectilinear motion with a non-constant radio, $r$ satisfies that $$\frac{dV_c}{dy} = \pi r^2,$$ where $V_c$ is the volume swept by the ball and $y$ is the ...
Josh Hoffmann's user avatar
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Confusion regarding area from graph

This might be a trivial question but is illustrated below. Why is the area 'below' the graph always taken for a velocity-time graph when finding the displacement? I mean why is the area with the time ...
PdX's user avatar
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24 votes
7 answers

Zero velocity, zero acceleration?

In one dimension, the acceleration of a particle can be written as: $$a = \frac{dv}{dt} = \frac{dv}{dx} \frac{dx}{dt} = v \frac{dv}{dx}$$ Does this equation imply that if: $$v = 0$$ Then, $$\...
7453rfg's user avatar
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Is the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus really applicable to the definition of work?

When the force $F$ on an object is not constant, then the work it performs is defined as $$W = \int_{x_0}^{x} F(X)dX.$$ Now, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus states that $$\text{If}\,\,\, f(x) =...
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3 answers

Integral ambiguity

I'm a bit confused with some notation I encounter in physics calculus. Consider this: Taken from here. Integration operates on functions, correct? What does it mean to integrate $\frac{d{\bf p}}{dt} ...
RustyDoorknobs's user avatar
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Taylor series expansion of $\ln$ and $\cosh$ in distance fallen in time $t$ equation

I want to find the Taylor expansion of $y=\frac {V_t^2}{g} \ln(\cosh(\frac{gt}{V_t}))$ I have tried using the fact $\cosh x= \frac {e^x}{2}$ for large t, which works, I just need help on small values ...
Weasel's user avatar
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Investigation of a pendulum's period, problem creating equation to sum the dynamic velocity

I am investigating the period of a pendulum swing. This is a simple harmonic pendulum and I am already aware of the common, but slightly inaccurate, $2\pi \sqrt{\frac{L}{G}}$ formula. My problem is ...
Klik's user avatar
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Is Newton's first law something real or a mathematical formalism?

Why do objects always 'tend' to move in straight lines? How come, everytime I see a curved path that an object takes, I can always say that the object tends to move in a straight line over 'small' ...
BinaryBurst's user avatar
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Showing $ m\int \frac{d\textbf{v}}{dt} \dot \normalsize \textbf{v}dt = \frac{m}{2}\int \frac{d(v^2)}{dt}{}dt$

Can someone please explain how this equation is valid, using intermediate steps if available? $$ m\int \frac{d\textbf{v}}{dt} \dot \normalsize \textbf{v}dt = \frac{m}{2}\int \frac{d(v^2)}{dt}{}dt$$ ...
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