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In equation (3) from lecture 7 in Leonard Susskind’s ‘Classical Mechanics’, should the derivatives be partial?

Here are the equations. ($V$ represents a potential function and $p$ represents momentum.) $$V(q_1,q_2) = V(aq_1 - bq_2)$$ $$\dot{p}_1 = -aV'(aq_1 - bq_2)$$ $$\dot{p}_2 = +bV'(aq_1 - bq_2)$$ Should ...
Bradley Peacock's user avatar
1 vote
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On Landaus&Lifshitz's derivation of the lagrangian of a free particle [duplicate]

I'm reading the first pages of Landaus&Lifshitz's Mechanics tome. I'm looking for some clarification on the derivation of the Lagrange function for the mechanical system composed of a single free ...
GeometriaDifferenziale's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Material to Study the Definition, Algebra, and Use of Infinitesimals in Physics [closed]

This is going to be a rather general question about suggestions on best supplementary material to properly explain the use of infinitesimals (or differentials?) for the purposes of integration or ...
0 votes
1 answer

Derivation of lagrange equation in classical mechanics

I'm currently working on classical mechanics and I am stuck in a part of the derivation of the lagrange equation with generalized coordinates. I just cant figure it out and don't know if it's just ...
Jan Oreel's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Why does $\vec{r}\cdot\dot{\vec{r}}=r\dot{r}$?

Why is $$\vec{r}\cdot\dot{\vec{r}}=r\dot {r}$$ true? Before saying anything, I have seen the proofs using spherical coordinates for $$\dot{\vec {r}}= \dot{r}\vec{u_r}+r\dot{\theta}\vec{u_\theta}+r\sin\...
Ulshy's user avatar
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Lagrangian total time derivative - continues second-order differential

In the lagrangian, adding total time derivative doesn't change equation of motion. $$L' = L + \frac{d}{dt}f(q,t).$$ After playing with it, I realize that this is only true if the $f(q,t)$ function has ...
Giorgi's user avatar
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Lagrangian for 2 inertial frames where only Speed is different by small amount

In Landau & Liftshitz’s book p.5, they go ahead and writes down lagrangians for 2 different inertial frames. They say that Lagrangian is a function of $v^2$. So in one frame, we got $L(v^2)$. In ...
Giorgi's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Recommended physics book(s) that uses calculus and have difficult problems [closed]

What physics book(s) uses calculus and has complex problems (undergrad/olympiad level)? Context: I've read "Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday and Resnick" and I found the problems to be ...
0 votes
2 answers

Does the gradient of potential energy exist independent of coordinates?

Potential energy $U(\vec{r})$ of a conservative force field $\vec{F}$ is defined as a function whose variation between positions $\vec{r}_A$ and $\vec{r}_B$ is the opposite of the work done by the ...
Antonio19932806's user avatar
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Approximation of Small Perturbation [closed]

From Morin's Classical Mechanics, on the chapter of Small Oscillations in Lagrangian Mechanics, he does this approximation on the last equality, I don't understand what happened there. I get the first ...
Lyu's user avatar
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Question on non-holonomic constraints (This is different to the others)

I know there are many posts on non-holonomic constraints and also many on this exact one but I feel that there is still some confusion on it. "Consider a disk which rolls without slipping across ...
Reuben's user avatar
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1 answer

Derivatives of the lagrangian of generalized coordinates [closed]

I know that $$U= \frac{1}{2} \sum_{j,k} A_{jk} q_j q_k \quad \quad T= \frac{1}{2} \sum_{j,k} m_{jk} \dot{q}_j \dot{q}_k $$ and the lagrangian is $$ \frac{\partial U}{\partial q_k} - \frac{d}{dt} \...
rannasquaer's user avatar
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What does this vertical line notation mean?

Here is the definition of the Noether momentum in my script. $$I = \left.\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{x}} \frac{d x}{d \alpha} \right|_{\alpha=0} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{x}} = m \dot{x} = ...
Lambda's user avatar
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The derivative of rotational kinetic energy in terms of period gives me the wrong answer. Why should I use the product rule? [closed]

This is my first question here so I hope I do it correctly. I've tried to solve this, and google it, but I can't find the answer to this particular question. This equation comes from Carroll and ...
Cre Henge's user avatar
5 votes
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Rigorously prove the period of small oscillations by directly integrating

This answer proved that $$\lim_{E\to E_0}2\int_{x_1}^{x_2}\frac{\mathrm dx}{\sqrt{2\left(E-U\!\left(x\right)\right)}}=\frac{2\pi}{\sqrt{U''\!\left(x_0\right)}},$$ where $E_0:=U\!\left(x_0\right)$ is a ...
Ulysses Zhan's user avatar
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Time to travel a set distance given variable acceleration

Trying to solve a problem for the acceleration of an automated shuttle car at my work, been a while since I studied this stuff so thought I'd reach out for help. I have a shuttle car that is tasked ...
potassiumcyanide's user avatar
-1 votes
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Derivative of distance [duplicate]

I know that $speed = |\frac{\vec{dr}}{dt}|$ and first derivative of distance with respect time will be $\frac{d\vec{|r|}}{dt}|$ These 2 expressions don't seem to represent the same thing. But when I ...
Nipun Kulshreshtha's user avatar
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Is $n_{cr}=\frac{60}{2\pi}\sqrt{g\frac{\Sigma m_iy_i}{\Sigma m_iy_i^2}} =\frac{60}{2\pi}\sqrt{g\frac{\int y_idx}{\int y_i^2dx}}\quad ?$

I have a question about this formula used to calculate the first critical speed of a drive shaft. $$ n_{cr}=\frac{60}{2\pi}\sqrt{g\frac{\Sigma m_iy_i}{\Sigma m_iy_i^2}} \tag {1} \quad .$$ It is the ...
Junior19's user avatar
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3 answers

Goldstein: derivation of work-energy theorem

I am reading "Classical Mechanics-Third Edition; Herbert Goldstein, Charles P. Poole, John L. Safko" and in the first chapter I came across the work-energy theorem (paraphrased) as follows: ...
ananta's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

Is every $dm$ piece unequal when using integration of a non-uniformly dense object?

When we want to find the total charge of an object or total mass, usually we start off with a setup such as: $$ m = \int dm \:\;\:\text{or} \:\;\:q = \int dq$$ in which we then use (and to keep it ...
Gino Gamboni's user avatar
2 votes
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Solving for the radius of a sphere as a function of time

I have tried to realistically model the famous game, which can described as the following: A sphere of initial mass $m_0$ expels part of its mass at a given rate ($\frac{dm_l}{dt}$) for thrust ...
ordptt's user avatar
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Doubt in derivation of bending of beam, It's about derivatives and intergration

Radius of curvature of the beam in above picture is given as: $$ \frac{1}{R} = \frac{d^2 y}{dx^2}$$ Please help me two points used as steps of a derivation in my book: How was the radius of ...
Sai 's user avatar
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Minimum seperation of moving objects doubt

Let there be $2$ objects $P_1$(initial velocity $u$ $ms^{-1}$ & acceleration $a$ $ms^{-2}$) & $P_2$ (initial velocity $U$ $ms^{-1}$ & acceleration $A$ $ms^{-2}$) initially separated by ...
Nipun Kulshreshtha's user avatar
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Time derivative of unit velocity vector?

Let's say I have some parametric curve describing the evolution of a particle $\mathbf{r}(t)$. The velocity is $\mathbf{v}(t) = d\mathbf{r}/dt$ of course. I am trying to understand what the expression ...
James Thiamin's user avatar
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Confused about the solution to the pendulum differential equation

So I’ve learned how to derive the exact solution to the pendulum differential equation (in respect to its period), $\ddot{\theta} + \frac{g}{l}\sin\theta=0$, where $g$ is gravitational acceleration ...
Mailbox's user avatar
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Brachistochrone Problem without Trigonometric Substitution

I'm trying to numerically reproduce the cycloid solution for the brachistochrone problem. In doing so, I eventually ended up with the following integral: $$ x = \int{\sqrt{\frac{y}{2a-y}} dy} $$ ...
rb3652's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Why do we ignore the second-order terms in the following expansion?

Consider the expansion done for the kinetic energy of a system executing small oscillations as done in Goldstein: A similar series expansion can be obtained for the kinetic energy. Since the ...
Deepanshu Chaudhary's user avatar
2 votes
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Equilibrium and the derivative of potential energy

In his Classical Mechanics popular lectures ( Lecture 3, at the beginning) , Susskind illustrates the idea of a stationary quantity using an example involving the notion of equilibrium. Link : https:/...
Floridus Floridi's user avatar
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Which is the differential $\text{d} p_i$ of a generalized momentum?

I want to get a partition function, but I introduce a generalized momentum, my doubt is about, when I define a differential respect to $p$, it means $\text{d} p$, which is the correct form to get it? ...
DJ Boltzmann's user avatar
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Issue with a derivation in Marion's Dynamics [closed]

I was solving problem 2-14 in Marion's "Classical dynamics of particles and systems" edition 5. In this problem we calculate the range of a trajectory to be $d=\frac{2{v_0}^2\cos{\alpha}\sin{...
Matina's user avatar
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Contact surface between circle and curved floor?

First, consider an inelastic circle on a hard, flat floor, the shared contact surface between the two is some infinitesimally small length dx. Consider a second case, where if the floor had some ...
Nick Thorpe's user avatar
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Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for an Equilibrium to be Stable

In the 4th section The condition that convection be absent of the book Fluid Mechanics by Landau and Lifshitz, they give the following statement: For the (mechanical) equilibrium to be stable, it is ...
Zephyr's user avatar
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Can a position variable have an infintesimal in it?

I've been pondering unstable systems, such as a perfectly round rock atop a smooth hill. At the top of the hill is a metastable point where the rock could roll either way after an arbitrary amount of ...
Cort Ammon's user avatar
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What does it mean to integrate with respect to mass?

I've encountered many integrals that seem to integrate functions of distance with respect to mass, for example, $\int_0^Mr^2dm$ for the moment of inertia of continuous mass distribution. I'm not sure ...
QED's user avatar
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Translation of coordinates to generalised coordinates

The translation form $r_i$ to $q_j$ language start forms the transformation equation: $r_i=r_i (q_1,q_2,…,q_n,t)$ (assuming $n$ independent coordinates) Since it is carried out by means of the ...
Jack Jack's user avatar
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Multivariable chain rule in classical mechanics; example of physical system [closed]

I'm a teaching assistant in calculus and my students who are studying mechanical engineering asked me to explain the multivariable chain rule. So I thought it could be fun if I could give an example ...
sjm23's user avatar
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Can anyone suggest a math review book for someone interested in beginning physics study as a hobby?

Good day. This is my first post and I was not sure whether to post here or on Math StackExchange. Since the end product of my goal results in ultimately understanding some basic math in physics, I ...
0 votes
4 answers

Time quantization [closed]

There is no evidence to support that time is quantized. So wouldn't the use of discrete values like $dt$ in calculus suggest time is quantized and comes in discrete durations of $dt$?
Blue5000's user avatar
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Second derivative of energy as frequency of oscillations [closed]

Is there a way to algebraically see why when I take the second derivative of a potential energy in a point where it is minimal (force is zero), I generally get the frequency (squared) of the ...
Darkenin's user avatar
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The $\delta$ notation in Goldstein's Classical Mechanics on the calculus of variation

In Goldstein's classical mechanics (page 36) he introduces the basics of the calculus of variation and uses it to effectively the Euler-Lagrange equations. However, there is a step in which the $\...
Charlie's user avatar
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The use of $x_\varepsilon (t) = x(t) + \varepsilon (t)$ and $x_\varepsilon (t) = x(t) + \varepsilon \eta (t)$ in proving Hamilton's principle

The following Wikipedia page uses $x_\varepsilon (t) = x(t) + \varepsilon (t)$ in the proof. But in my mechanics book (by ...
abouttostart's user avatar
3 votes
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Newton's Second Law in vertical launch of a rocket

Consider a rocket being launched vertically. Let $T(t)$ denote the thrust from the engine and $M(t)$ be the total mass of the rocket at time $t$. At $t=0$, $T(0)=M(0)g$ (so that the normal force due ...
Chern-Simons's user avatar
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Acceleration as a function of position and time

I know if you have an acceleration as a function of $t$, $a(t)$, to find the velocity you simply integrate $a(t)$ with respect to $t$. Moreover, if the acceleration was a function of position, $a(x)$, ...
Tim CP's user avatar
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Is there a textbook for learning physics and multivariable calculus at the same time?

I am a student who took single variable calculus and algebra physics. I want to learn either mechanics or thermodynamics or electromagnetism with multivariable calculus, matrices, lagrange ...
9 votes
4 answers

How do physicists know when it is appropriate to use $\mathrm dx$ as if it is a number? [duplicate]

I'm trying to teach myself calculus of variations when I came across a worked example about the shortest distance between two points in a plane. This is a question about the mathematics but I don't ...
suleydaman's user avatar
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Working with infinitesimal quantities and the motivation behind it

So in my freshman physics class, in classical mechanics the homework was (it's solved already, this isn't a homework thread) the following: "A thin, spinning ring is placed on a table, that divides ...
Johnny's user avatar
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$\int (f(x+\delta x) - f(x)) dx = \int \left ( \frac{df(x)}{dx} \delta x \right) dx$

From Landau and Lifshitz's Mechanics Vol: 1 $$ \delta S= \int \limits_{t_1}^{t_2} L(q + \delta q, \dot q + \delta \dot q, t)dt - \int \limits_{t_1}^{t_2} L(q, \dot q, t)dt \tag{2.3b}$$ $$\Rightarrow ...
user avatar
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Change of variable in function

Suppose I have a function $h(\theta)$ measuring the height of a piston, with $\theta = \omega t$. I would like to know the vertical acceleration of this piston as $\omega$ changes at the point $\theta ...
Mikkel Rev's user avatar
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Derivation of generalized velocities in Lagrangian mechanics

So I know that: $$r_i = r_i(q_1, q_2,q_3,...., q_n, t)$$ Where $r_i$ represent the position of the $i$th part of a dynamical system and the $q_n$ represent the dynamical variables of the system ($n$ =...
user avatar
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Acceleration as the second derivative of $e^{-\frac{1}{t^2}}$ [duplicate]

If we have, say, a material point with a zero velocity at the time $t=0$, and this point starts moving at a time $t>0$ , then we look at the force impressed on the point by inspecting the second ...
HaroldF's user avatar
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