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Questions tagged [adm-formalism]

This tag contains questions relating to ADM formalism i.e., Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formalism which is a Hamiltonian formulation of General Relativity that plays an important role in canonical quantum gravity and numerical relativity.

4 votes
1 answer

ADM mass of a black hole and mass of the associated matter

The ADM formalism gives a definition for the energy (Hamiltonian) of a static, asymptotically flat spacetime. This energy can be equated to the mass of the matter (for example, a black hole) which ...
nightmarish's user avatar
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3 answers

Hamiltonian formalism of General Relativity Textbook

I've been reading Wald's book on General Relativity and in appendix $E_{2}$ it discusses the Hamiltonian formalism of General Relativity.I would like to understand it more, can you recommend me a ...
4 votes
2 answers

How to derive gravitational path integral from the Hamiltonian operator formalism?

How does one derive the gravitational path integral $\int [dg]\exp(iS_{\text{EH}}/\hbar)$ from the Hamiltonian operator formalism? The connection between the Hamiltonian operator formalism and the ...
dennis's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is the mass of curved space, additional mass?

According to Einstein, mass, say in the form of matter, curves space. It is the curvature of space that gives rise to gravity. Now I have heard there is an energy associated with the curvature of ...
John Hobson's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Uniqueness or multiplicity of ADM masses for spacetime manifolds with more than one "end"?

The question is: What is the mathematical and/or physical basis for saying that a (static) spacetime manifold with more than one asymptotically flat region at infinity ("end") has a distinct ...
Julian Moore's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Static Spacetime = no cosmological constant?

I stumbled over a strange result, which cannot be true: In the (3+1)-formulation of general relativity, one considers a metric of the type $$g_{\mu\nu}\mathrm{d}x^{\mu}\mathrm{d}x^{\nu}=(-\alpha^{2}+\...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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1 answer

Basis vector as "Array" choice in tensor calculus / GR, and 3+1 decomposition

In differential geometry and general relativity, once we have chosen a basis on our spacetime, say $ \{t,r,\theta, \phi \} $, we can represent every tensor as an "array" of numbers, so a &...
Johnny's user avatar
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0 votes
3 answers

Setting $N=1$ and $N^a=0$ in the Einstein-Hilbert action

In the ADM formalism of general relativity, one obtains a $3+1$ split of spacetime by setting $$\mathrm d s^2=(-N^2+N_a N^a) \,\mathrm d t^2 + 2N_a\,\mathrm d t\,\mathrm d x^a + q_{ab} \,\mathrm d x^a\...
Thorstein's user avatar
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