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What is the determinant of the Wheeler-DeWitt metric tensor constructed from spatial metrics in ADM formalism?

The Hamiltonian constraint of General relativity has the following form \begin{align} \frac{(2\kappa)}{\sqrt{h}}\left(h_{ac} h_{bd} - \frac{1}{D-1} h_{ab} h_{cd} \right)p^{ab} p^{cd} - \frac{\sqrt{h}}{...
Faber Bosch's user avatar
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Extrinsic curvature, Gauss equation and Christoffel symbol contribution

This question is in the context of geometry of hypersurfaces and ADM formalism. In a $4$-dimensional manifold, we define a $3$-hypersurface with space-like tangent basis $e_a$, $a=1,2,3$, and a normal ...
hyriusen's user avatar
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Scalar curvature in ADM Formalism (coordinate to coordinate-free transition)

I am attempting to express the scalar curvature in a coordinate-independent manner. Following the works of Bojowald, Thiemann, we have: $$ {}^{(4)}R= {}^{(3)}R+K_{a b}K^{a b}- (K_a^a)^2 - 2\nabla_a v^...
Powder's user avatar
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What diffeomorphism does the Hamiltonian constraint generate?

Consider the Hamiltonian constraint $\mathcal H(x)$ in the ADM formalism. What diffeomorphism does this generate?
dennis's user avatar
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Why no cosmological constant in momentum constraint?

In the ADM formalism of general relativity, one decomposes the Einstein equations in (3+1) dimensions. More explicitely, if the Einstein equations are given by $$R_{\mu\nu}-\frac{1}{2}Rg_{\mu\nu}+\...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Static Spacetime = no cosmological constant?

I stumbled over a strange result, which cannot be true: In the (3+1)-formulation of general relativity, one considers a metric of the type $$g_{\mu\nu}\mathrm{d}x^{\mu}\mathrm{d}x^{\nu}=(-\alpha^{2}+\...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Different definitions of lapse functions?

I stumbled over two different definitions of the lapse function in the ADM formalism and wanted to convince myself that they are the same by using a simple example. However, I get different results, ...
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How to prove ADM mass is independent of the foliation considered?

ADM mass for an asymptotically-flat spacetime can be defined as (Poisson, Eric. A relativist's toolkit. p.147): $$M=-\frac{1}{8 \pi} \lim _{S_t \rightarrow \infty} \oint_{S_t}\left(k-k_0\right) \sqrt{\...
P11P's user avatar
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Extrinsic Curvature expression (ADM Formalism)

I'm reading The ADM Formalism chapter of Baez's book Gauge Fields, Knots and Gravity and on page 429 we have the expression $$ K_{ij}=\frac{1}{2}N^{-1}(\dot{q}_{ij}- {}^3\nabla_i N_j - {}^3\nabla_j ...
Powder's user avatar
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Basis vector as "Array" choice in tensor calculus / GR, and 3+1 decomposition

In differential geometry and general relativity, once we have chosen a basis on our spacetime, say $ \{t,r,\theta, \phi \} $, we can represent every tensor as an "array" of numbers, so a &...
Johnny's user avatar
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Why do the definitions of ADM-energy, -linear momentum and -mass make sense?

In asymptotically flat spacetimes, the ADM-energy, linear momentum and mass are defined as $$E:= \frac{1}{16\pi}\lim_{r\to\infty} \int_{S^2_r}\sum_{i,j}\partial_ig_{ij}-\partial_jg_{ii}\frac{x^j}{r}\...
aceituna's user avatar
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Frozen Formalism Problem

Before stating my question, let me say what I do understand: In the ADM formalism, the Hamiltonian density of the gravitational field can be written as, $$\mathcal{H} = h n + H_a N^a$$ where n is the ...
Nathanael Noir's user avatar
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Maxwell's Equations In Curved Spacetime Derived Via ADM Formalism VS Differential Forms Discrepancy

I' m trying to understand how the electromagnetic potential for diagonal Bianchi IX models when an electromagnetic field is aligned with one of the three axis is computed. The metric in question is \...
Topology21's user avatar
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ADM formulation of GR derivative on the 3-metric

In the ADM formalism where the projector is given by ${P^\mu}_\alpha={\delta^\mu}_\alpha+n^\mu{n}_\alpha$ and $n^\alpha$ is a future pointing normal vector to the constant time hypersurface $\Sigma$. ...
James J's user avatar
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Determinant of ADM metric

I am studying inflation and for the calculation of the bispectrum we are using the ADM formalism where the metric is the following form: $$g_{\mu\nu}=\begin{bmatrix}-N^2+N^iN_i&N_i\\N_i&h_{ij}...
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