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How can one search for a word that was removed during an edit?

I'd like to search for a word that was edited out of one of my questions. I don't know which question. How can one search for a word that was removed during an edit? (Input: word; output: list of ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
5 votes
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What are differences between synonyms with and without merging from the practical point of view?

It is well-known that creating a synonym and merging two tags are two completely independent actions1 - sometimes a synonym is created and the tags aren't merged, sometimes two tags are merged without ...
Martin's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Why does "disclaimmer" return a result but not "disclaimer"?

Searching for "disclaimmer" returns a result but not "disclaimer", even though the matched text in the returned post is "disclaiming". Why? (Ignore results pointing to ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the correct way to ask help finding an old SE Q&A I can't find anymore? [duplicate]

I am an active member of Sci-Fi and Fantasy SE and I found myself in this situation several times: I see a question (sometimes answered) that piques my interest. I read it, mark it down in my memory ...
Andrea Jens's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Data explorer query takes a lot of time and needs to be optimized

This is a Stack Exchange Data Explorer query which gets the top users on specific skill scores (example: JavaScript) based on a specific country (example: Egypt), and it took a lot of time until it ...
Sage's user avatar
  • 23
1 vote
1 answer

Why did the recent maintenance notices point to a search for [maintenance] or [maintenance]? [duplicate]

The second link in these notices that were up today: point to Why the duplicate: [maintenance] or [...
Jan Doggen's user avatar
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0 answers

How does searching by relevance work when searching a score range or threshold?

When I search for score:.-1 (for posts with a negative score) by relevance on Stack Overflow, I get a variety of questions and answers from a varying number of years ago. How are these results ranked? ...
CPlus's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How can one search for some text in one's deleted chat messages?

I've had a few chat messages deleted by a mod and feeds in some chat room. I am looking for a few sentences I wrote in these chat messages. How can one search for some text in one's deleted chat ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Search only my posts across all sites

I wrote a post some years ago about a relatively complex bash script (with parameters) but I can't find it anymore, and I don't remember on which site of the SE hierarchy I wrote it. Is there a way to ...
DeltaIV's user avatar
  • 241
9 votes
0 answers

How can I search for NON-saved questions?

By using in:saves, it is possible to search among only questions saved by the user, However, using -in:saves does not appear to restrict the search to questions which the user has not saved. Is there ...
ParadisiP249's user avatar
5 votes
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When using search and sorting by activity, user action is sometimes missing

On Puzzling.SE I used the search created:2023 and sorted by Active, and it looks as though some of the posts have a missing action between the user and the time. (The same bug as the one for migrated ...
CDR's user avatar
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Bug? Answers not shown on some questions in search

I have long been using the answers:1 filter to limit search results to questions with answers, but it seems that it does not always work as described. For example, this SO search returns 18 hits, with ...
Alex O's user avatar
  • 151
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to "flatten" a search across Stack Exchange sites without going to an external search engine (not that that's bad)? [duplicate]

Watching the Vsauce short The Only Element You Can Chew Like Gum I was intrigued by This is indium, the only element in the universe that is safe, and soft enough to chew like bubble gum... it ...
uhoh's user avatar
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4 votes
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What's the purpose of using the 'inquestion' search operator?

I was looking at some examples from the help page on searching, and came across inquestion. As far as I'm aware of what it does is that it takes the id of the question inquestion:50691 And restricts ...
Big Joe's user avatar
  • 748
1 vote
0 answers

Search within my own questions for the entire Stack Exchange network [duplicate]

I learned that adding 'user:me' can help me search within my own questions. How can I search within my own questions? But this seems to work only for a specific site. Applying the search term 'user:me'...
user67275's user avatar
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3 votes
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Can a search include mathematical expressions?

It's difficult to search for math-related topics without using math expressions. Can this be done somehow? I'm talking about things beyond +, - , / , etc.
Rolomoto's user avatar
  • 131
1 vote
1 answer

Search posts with specific combination of tags

Let’s say I want to obtain a list of all topics that have tags [x] & [y], but not [z]. For example, let’s say a topic has the below tags [x] & [y]. Then I should have this topic in my search ...
augustine's user avatar
2 votes
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Some questions about search [closed]

I want to search questions answered by me and some another user. How can I do this? I don't see an "and" operator. Is there a way to search through comments (answers under which there is ...
oleedd's user avatar
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0 answers

How can I search for a keyword across the questions I posted on an SE site and the answers that they received? [duplicate]

I posted several questions on one of the Stack Exchange websites. How can I search for a keyword across these questions and the answers that the questions received? Ideally I'd also be interested to ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it possible to search comments like we can search chat messages? [duplicate]

In we can search all chat messages filtered by keywords, user id, and room id. The search result has unique URL to a chat message. Given that there is also a unique URL for a ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Searching my own unanswered questions over all Stack Exchange sites

I wish to get a list of my own unanswered questions over all Stack Exchange sites. It seems you can run SQL queries with, something I learned only today. Is there a way I can ...
Sybil's user avatar
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What does the sorted by 'most frequent' search filter mean on [duplicate]

Does it mean it is sorted by the most viewed questions recently? Is there a way to search questions based on how much recent activity they have, to gauge how popular they are currently (highest score ...
Simon Suh's user avatar
  • 131
1 vote
0 answers

How can I disable answers showing up in the search results? [duplicate]

Sometimes, when I search on MSE, or any SE site, answers show up as well as questions in the results. How do I disable/hide the answers in the search results?
Caleb Liu's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Search a SO post that I closed with a certain keyword

Is there a way to search for a Stack Overflow post that I closed and that has a certain keyword say "this" or certain code say this in it? I mean, I want to search by typing in the search ...
Jason's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

"Search all sites", except one

I'd like to search all sites for "Wikipedia", but exclude Stack Overflow because the questions there are totally out of the scope I'm looking for. By reading the How do I search? page, I see ...
BsAxUbx5KoQDEpCAqSffwGy554PSah's user avatar
6 votes
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What is a reliable way to search for URLs containing tilde?

Let us say that I want to search (on some Stack Exchange site) for posts linking to some website, and the URL contains the tilde ~. For the sake of example, let us try (I ...
Martin's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can I bypass automatic string-tag conversion? [duplicate]

On Politics, I wanted to make a search for questions related to the conflict in Ukraine. There are many questions on the topic which don't have the tag [ukraine] attached to them, but on searching for ...
W.O.'s user avatar
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How can I design a search query on Stack Overflow to include specific keywords? [duplicate]

I would like to search for specific keywords within posts containing a specific tag. I designed the following query on Stack Overflow: [Tag] AND "search-string 1" OR " search-string 2&...
user92720's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why is searching for questions, that are not tagged as duplicate, giving duplicate questions results?

I want to answer some questions, so that I get some reputation, at least to do the most common actions in Stack Overflow. So, I wanted to search for questions without answers, in subjects I have good ...
Balaco's user avatar
  • 139
3 votes
1 answer

How can I find a question on Stack Exchange? [duplicate]

I have read a question a few years back, and it has been answered: 'What would be the last artificial light after apocalypse' I couldn't find it with tags, and I'm not sure on which site it was asked ...
Féileacán's user avatar
7 votes
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Chemistry equation \ce modifier works in a non chem SE site's posts, but not in search results. Should we consider it "working" and start using it?

In Space Exploration SE there are a lot of questions related to chemistry (mostly production and combustion of rocket propellants and air/water for people) and after six years there I just this moment ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Searching for animations

I spend most of my time in Stack Exchange in either Stack Overflow or Cross Validated. Over a number of years I have seen numerous beautiful animations -- mainly GIF animations I think -- that make ...
user1493743's user avatar
7 votes
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Determine if a bug reported on a foreign language Stack Exchange site is already reported on Meta.SE

I created a post on Stack Overflow en Español and no one has given me an answer; it appears it is a bug that they cannot solve... In chat they suggested I come to Meta.SE and post it, and I came ...
user avatar
4 votes
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Can you sort results from all sites ( If so, how? If not, why not? [duplicate]

On most SE sites, you can sort search results: However, this sort bar appears to be missing on "search all sites". Is there any simple way to sort results from all sites?
Makonede's user avatar
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How can I search my own answers with different search filters?

I know that I can search for my own answers/question by using: user:me. I also want to filter these questions/answers by the number of views. Something like this: user:me views:100 But the above query ...
captain-yossarian's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Using the views feature during searches

When I run views:0 I come back with questions that have 100k or 300 views. Is the views feature greater or less than? If I do created:2021-09-09 views:0 I don't see anything that has 0 views or even ...
Big Joe's user avatar
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How do you search all sites from the search bar or using responsive view?

I have a two-part question At the top of every site, there is a search bar. Is this search bar only relevant to the specific site? I.e. meta, photo, etc. Can I look up all sites from the search bar ...
Big Joe's user avatar
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6 votes
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How can I limit search results to questions with exactly five tags?

Given that the limit on the number of tags is five, there is a possibility that a question that uses all five tags may not be using the best choice of tags for others to locate that question at a ...
Rick Smith's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to find the first ever question posted on an SE site? [duplicate]

Sometimes I like to see old questions, as it shows you how much the site evolved over the years. Some old questions are really simple, showing no research and at times even obvious. The answers are ...
fev's user avatar
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18 votes
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Search on Meta is slow (sometimes)

During the last hour or so, searching on Meta Stack Exchange can be very slow; searching only on a tag still works as normal, probably because it automatically redirects to e.g. https://meta....
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Why can't I search this room name in rooms list here? [duplicate]

I can search all other rooms (which I usually go to chat) in the Stack Exchange chat list of all rooms except for "Sandbox/Trash Bin/Something". Is it because it contains slashes and the ...
Vikas's user avatar
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9 votes
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How do I view all my bookmarks across all communities?

How do I view all my bookmarks across all communities? I.e., see all bookmarks between Stack Overflow and Software Engineering and so on without needing to search through each one individually. I know ...
Daniel Kaplan's user avatar
9 votes
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Search with user operator missing results

I would like to search for this post of mine: So I try these: user:1002260 IndexString user:1002260 code:IndexString but I just get this result: ...
Zombo's user avatar
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13 votes
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How do I search for posts involving two users?

I want to find posts (on some specific SX site) in which each of two users either wrote the question or wrote an answer, i.e. both users interacted with the question in some way - either by authoring ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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-3 votes
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How to UNBLOCK a specific domain from Google Search results ( [closed]

For some reason I cannot at all see search results from Video: I must have blocked it unwittingly at some point, and I can’t find any way to ...
degenPenguin's user avatar
2 votes
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List of previous searches?

I'm trying to recall a previous search of a phrase related to ancient religion, but so much information has passed through my mind since, I can't remember. Is there a way for me to view my previous ...
user avatar
2 votes
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How can I find posts with tags in the body? [duplicate]

Is there a way to find the posts with tags in the body (not the questions tagged with specific tags)? I mean when post body contains tags written in a form of [tag:tag-name] and displayed as a ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
6 votes
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Less results when hitting the API compared to using the search bar for the same query

I am new to Meta so let me know if I need to add clearer information or correct it. I am currently trying to determine what the differences in functionality between making API calls and using the ...
Ryan Jones's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why is it not possible to sort question by number of views?

As far as I know questions of any SE site can be sorted by the following parameters: Newest Recent activity Most votes Most frequent Bounty ending soon The following related question shows that ...
user121863's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Does network-wide search for tags work only with is:q?

I saw a discussion on one per-site meta today and I wanted to check whether something similar was discussed on some other meta sites. Since tags on various metas often have similar names, it seemed ...
Martin's user avatar
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