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When using search and sorting by activity, user action is sometimes missing

On Puzzling.SE I used the search created:2023 and sorted by Active, and it looks as though some of the posts have a missing action between the user and the time. (The same bug as the one for migrated ...
CDR's user avatar
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What is a reliable way to search for URLs containing tilde?

Let us say that I want to search (on some Stack Exchange site) for posts linking to some website, and the URL contains the tilde ~. For the sake of example, let us try (I ...
Martin's user avatar
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Does network-wide search for tags work only with is:q?

I saw a discussion on one per-site meta today and I wanted to check whether something similar was discussed on some other meta sites. Since tags on various metas often have similar names, it seemed ...
Martin's user avatar
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Difference between tag search and keyword search results format

When performing a [tag] search, the results show users' gravatar, badge count & rep, while a keyword search only shows username and a timestamp. Why is the format of results different?
Eaten by a Grue's user avatar
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No tooltips for Advanced Search Tips

Two years ago there were tooltips for the Advanced Search Tips (see related post: Strange hint alignment in the Advanced Search Tips), but nowadays there are no tooltips. What's the reason to remove ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
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Size of the search textbox in the top bar is increased suddenly on all the sites

Size of the search textbox in the top bar is increased suddenly. I can recall the size of the textbox being smaller previously. Is the textbox size increased on purpose, or is this a bug?
Arulkumar's user avatar
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Tag search doesn't work properly

I am trying to do a search on SO where I include a few tags, and exclude a few: [c#] or [java] or [winforms] -[android] -[android-studio] Link to search The problem is, questions with the tags c#, ...
captainGeech's user avatar
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Searching for questions that has ([tag1] or [tag2]) and not [tag3]

Ok, I figured out that this doesn't do what I want. All questions without [iphone] tag but with any of its variants. So I figured that maybe I need to do [tag1] [tag3] or [tag2] [tag3], seems like a ...
Braiam's user avatar
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Searching gives repetitive Questions and Answers in single result page [duplicate]

I am searching on StackOverflow site for SolrNet based Question/Answers relating to edismax But it is giving me same result in single result page but as different Q: and A: prefix and votes ...
Harsh Baid's user avatar
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Search (still) doesn't work well with URLs

This question, Search doesn't work well with URLs, is about searching for posts with links to, and includes that link as plain text in the question (...
blahdiblah's user avatar
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17 votes
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Search doesn't work anymore for older questions, neither does the "Related" bar

UPDATE March 11: The situation is becoming unbearable. Internally there's no way to find older questions, and I expect that this will invite lots of duplicate questions on the main sites. If I ask a ...
Hendrik Vogt's user avatar
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Exact search syntax matches only full words [duplicate]

Inspired by this question on Meta.AU, we found out that the search engine does have the "match this" exact syntax: However ... "extra dependency" returns no results, "extra dependency?" returns the ...
user98085's user avatar
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New Stack Exchange search engine ignores automatic "possible duplicate" blocks in exact-duplicate questions

I usually use the query "possible duplicate" closed:1 to search for questions closed as exact duplicates. It worked well in the past. Now, however, the query now returns considerably fewer results ...
Peter O.'s user avatar
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Empty braces "[]" in search field are sometimes replaced by one or more plus signs "+"

Searching with one of those terms works just fine: [] [html] [html] [css] [javascript] [html] [css] [] [] [css] [javascript] But in some other cases, when I remove a tag (like double click the tag, ...
insertusernamehere's user avatar
6 votes
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Search doesn't return all answers

Hmmm... either I'm stupid or something is wrong. I just tried Koper's idea to find my ratio of accepted and not accepted answers on SO. user:me isaccepted:0 returns 52 answers, user:me ...
balpha's user avatar
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