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Some questions about search [closed]

I want to search questions answered by me and some another user. How can I do this? I don't see an "and" operator. Is there a way to search through comments (answers under which there is ...
oleedd's user avatar
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13 votes
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How do I search for posts involving two users?

I want to find posts (on some specific SX site) in which each of two users either wrote the question or wrote an answer, i.e. both users interacted with the question in some way - either by authoring ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Why does user searching start at 3 letters?

Why does the user search only activates after at least 3 letters have been typed? Searching for tags does not seem to have this mechanism.
Xcoder's user avatar
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How do I search for posts by deleted user117644 on math.SE?

How do I search for posts by user117644? This account has been anonymized but I need to get the posts off it. The answers to similar questions don't apply here. Here is an example of one of the posts.
user avatar
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How can I find users from a specific country? [duplicate]

I want to know if I can search Stack Overflow users by their country. For example, I had, like, to see all users who live in the UK. How do I do this?
pakistanimoon's user avatar
-6 votes
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How to find the users by their email address

Is there a way to find out the users by their email address on a Stack Exchange site? I tried putting the email in the search box, but I got no results. Any other methods?
Sivashanmugam Kannan's user avatar
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Search query - Find all users who answered questions tagged x or y or z

How I can list all users who answered questions tagged x and/or y and/or z. Example how I can find: Top 100 users who answered questions tagged eclipse and/or eclipse-rcp
Chandrayya G K's user avatar
-2 votes
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Allow searching by user name in searches [duplicate]

As described in this question, you can search for questions or answers by a user with user:userid. Why doesn't it allow searching using the username like user:Bolt Clock or user:[Bolt Clock] or user:"...
Bhojendra Rauniyar's user avatar
81 votes
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How to find users by name

I have a whole bunch of people I would love to follow or at least check out on Stack Overflow. I know them from places like Github as well as personal friends. However I am having a really hard time ...
Manfred Moser's user avatar
11 votes
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How do I search a specific user's answers?

I have a question, that I know was answered by a specific user, but I can't find it via a general search. Can I narrow my search to that user's responses? If not, please make it so.
raven's user avatar
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How do you search by user if I don't know their user id?

How do you search by user if I don't know their user id? Different user, not myself. And why doing a search like 'user:fgfgfblahblah apples' returns a ton of results when fgfgfblahblah doesn't exist!?...
Tony_Henrich's user avatar
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Searching for a particular user's questions

I wanted to search for posts by a particular user. I'm not sure of the syntax, or if there is a specific search syntax for this. How is search made on user questions specific?
ACP's user avatar
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How do you search for questions filtered by a particular user?

I want to do a search on StackOverflow for a few terms, but also by user, since I know which user referenced the item I'm looking for.
Lance Roberts's user avatar