The second link in these notices that were up today:

"search our recent meta posts on the topic" link in read-only mode banner

point to


Why the duplicate:

[maintenance] or [maintenance]

Tag search with both tags


1 Answer 1


If you copy the link before clicking on it, you'll see it's actually a tag search for the tags and :


However, since October 30, 2021, has been a synonym of :

Tag synonym page showing that the former tag is a synonym of the latter since October 30, 2021

The banner link has apparently not been updated since the creation of the synonym, and needs to now be updated.

There should also be a couple additional changes to tag searching that should make this situation clearer:

  1. Resolve duplicate tags and remove them from the search, so old links to a multi-tag search where one of them has been synonymized to another will only search for the one master tag.
  2. If in a tag search the user searches for a synonym tag, add a notice that the tag has been swapped as it's a synonym, rather than just having it unexpectedly change.

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