When I search for score:.-1 (for posts with a negative score) by relevance on Stack Overflow, I get a variety of questions and answers from a varying number of years ago. How are these results ranked?

I have found some related questions:

  • How does searching by relevance work when searching a single tag?

    The answer says that when searching by a tag only, the posts with fewer other tags or a very high score are shown first. But when searching by score the tags do not seem to matter.

  • How are search results ranked?

    The answer there mentions the match strength of the search string. However when searching for a score range only would not logically apply since any post with in the score range would be equally relevant.

Other search options such as isaccepted seem to just give the highest voted items on the site, but there is no more highly upvoted posts to show first if I am searching for questions with up to a certain score.

What algorithm is used to order the results in the Relevance tab when searching a score range/threshold?



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