Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Star Trek: The Next Generation (DC) refers to the series of TNG comic books published by DC Comics from 1988 until 1995.


  1. ... Where No One Has Gone Before! by Michael Carlin
  2. Spirit in the Sky! by Michael Carlin
  3. Q Factor by Michael Carlin
  4. Q's Day by Michael Carlin
  5. Q Affects! by Michael Carlin
  6. Here Today by Michael Carlin

Monthly Series[]

  1. Return to Raimon by Michael Jan Friedman
  2. Murder, Most Foul by Michael Jan Friedman
  3. The Derelict by Michael Jan Friedman
  4. The Hero Factor by Michael Jan Friedman
  5. Serafin's Survivors by Michael Jan Friedman
  6. Shadows in the Garden by Michael Jan Friedman
  7. The Pilot by Michael Jan Friedman
  8. The Battle Within by Michael Jan Friedman
  9. The Pay Off! by Michael Jan Friedman
  10. The Noise of Justice by Michael Jan Friedman
  11. The Impostor by Michael Jan Friedman
  12. Whoever Fights Monsters by Michael Jan Friedman
  13. The Hand of the Assassin! by Michael Jan Friedman
  14. Holiday on Ice by Michael Jan Friedman
  15. Prisoners of the Ferengi by Michael Jan Friedman
  16. I Have Heard the Mermaids Singing by Michael Jan Friedman
  17. The Weapon by Michael Jan Friedman
  18. Forbidden Fruit by Dave Stern and Mike O'Brien
  19. The Lesson by Michael Jan Friedman
  20. The Star Lost, Part 1: The Flight of the Albert Einstein by Michael Jan Friedman
  21. The Star Lost, Part 2: Mourning Star by Michael Jan Friedman
  22. The Star Lost, Part 3: Trapped by Michael Jan Friedman
  23. The Star Lost, Part 4: The Barrier by Michael Jan Friedman
  24. The Star Lost, Part 5: Homecoming by Michael Jan Friedman
  25. The Return of Okona, Part 1: Wayward Son by Michael Jan Friedman
  26. The Return of Okona, Part 2: Strangers in Strange Lands! by Michael Jan Friedman
  27. The Return of Okona, Part 3: City Life by Michael Jan Friedman
  28. The Return of Okona, Part 4: The Remembered One by Michael Jan Friedman
  29. Honor Bound! by Kevin Ryan
  30. The Rift by Michael Jan Friedman
  31. Kingdom of the Damned by Michael Jan Friedman
  32. Wet Behind the Ears by Michael Jan Friedman
  33. The Way of the Warrior by Michael Jan Friedman
  34. Devil's Brew by Michael Jan Friedman
  35. The Dogs of War by Michael Jan Friedman
  36. Shore Leave in Shanzibar! by Michael Jan Friedman
  37. Consorting With the Devil! by Michael Jan Friedman
  38. Dirty Work by Michael Jan Friedman
  39. Bridges by Michael Jan Friedman
  40. Bone of Contention by Michael Jan Friedman
  41. Separation Anxiety by Michael Jan Friedman
  42. Second Chances by Michael Jan Friedman
  43. Strange Bedfellows by Michael Jan Friedman
  44. Restoration by Michael Jan Friedman
  45. Childish Things by Michael Jan Friedman and Kevin Ryan
  46. The Maze by Michael Jan Friedman and Kevin Ryan
  47. The Worst of Both Worlds by Michael Jan Friedman
  48. The Belly of the Beast by Michael Jan Friedman
  49. The Armies of the Night by Michael Jan Friedman
  50. And Death Shall Have No Dominion by Michael Jan Friedman
  51. Lifesigns by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
  52. The Rich and the Dead! by Michael Jan Friedman
  53. Reductions & Deductions by Michael Jan Friedman
  54. Hidden Agendas! by Michael Jan Friedman
  55. The Good of the Many by Michael Jan Friedman
  56. Companionship by Michael Jan Friedman
  57. Of Two Minds by Michael Jan Friedman
  58. Bodies of Evidence by Michael Jan Friedman
  59. Children of Chaos by Michael Jan Friedman
  60. Mother of Madness by Michael Jan Friedman
  61. Brothers in Darkness by Michael Jan Friedman
  62. The Victim by Michael Jan Friedman
  63. A Matter of Conscience by Michael Jan Friedman
  64. The Deceivers by Michael Jan Friedman
  65. The Truth Elusive by Michael Jan Friedman
  66. Just Desserts by Michael Jan Friedman
  67. Friends and Other Strangers by Michael Jan Friedman
  68. The Bajoran and the Beast by Michael Jan Friedman
  69. Dreams Die by Michael Jan Friedman
  70. The Last Verse by Michael Jan Friedman
  71. War and Madness, Part 1: The First Casualty by Michael Jan Friedman
  72. War and Madness, Part 2: A Handful of Dust by Michael Jan Friedman
  73. War and Madness, Part 3: The Dying of the Light by Michael Jan Friedman
  74. War and Madness, Part 4: Ceremony of Innocence by Michael Jan Friedman
  75. War and Madness, Part 5: Cry Havoc by Michael Jan Friedman
  76. Suspect by Michael Jan Friedman
  77. Gateway by Michael Jan Friedman
  78. The Unconquered by Michael Jan Friedman
  79. Artificiality by Michael Jan Friedman
  80. The Abandoned by Michael Jan Friedman


  1. The Gift by John de Lancie
  2. Thin Ice by Michael Jan Friedman
  3. The Broken Moon by Michael Jan Friedman
  4. A House Divided by Mike W. Barr
  5. Brother's Keeper by Howard Weinstein
  6. Convergence, Part 2: Future Imperfect by Michael Jan Friedman and Howard Weinstein



