Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"In Memory Yet Green..." was the first issue in the four-part TNG miniseries The Modala Imperative, which continued a story begun century earlier in the TOS era. Released by DC Comics in July 1991, it was collected in an omnibus in October 1992. This story was written by Peter David and drawn by Pablo Marcos.


On Modala, a shadowy group compels the last, exiled former member of the Krisaia regime to commit suicide. Meanwhile, Stroyka reviews celebratory plans for Modala's 100th anniversary of freedom from the Krisaia in anticipation of the arrival of the USS Enterprise-D, but Owz complains that Stroyka has been ignoring needs of the Modalan populace all year. That night, Stroyka is awakened by a protest march led by Owz, and Stroyka has them arrested overnight to calm them down. He shares frustrations with his wife, who reminds him that he was once rebellious.

At Starbase 42, Admiral Leonard McCoy boards the Enterprise and teases the bridge crew. En route to Modala, the starship picks up a passenger from the freighter Tornado, who turns out to be Ambassador Spock.

To be continued...

Log Entries[]

Captain's log, Stardate 44375.7:
We have arrived at Starbase 42 to pick up the gentleman who is to be the guest of honor at the 100th anniversary celebrations of Modala. It is Federation record that the Enterprise, NCC-1701, commanded by James T. Kirk, was instrumental a century ago in helping an oppressed faction of the planet's populace find the strength to throw off the shackles of their oppressors... ...Once that burden was overcome, a golden age of prosperity ensued on Modala, leading to their present wealthy and flourishing way of life. Although the original Enterprise crew is long since gone, the Modalan government has requested the presence of the starship currently bearing that proud name... ...As well as the attendance of any of the original four crew members known to be involved in that great time in Modalan history. Of those four, who have gone down in Modalan history books as heroes... ... only one was available. However, Admiral Leonard McCoy's status is certainly legendary enough... even to non-Modalans... that we can all consider ourselves singularly honored by his presence.



Beverly Crusher • Data • Guinan • Lacey • Geordi La Forge • Leonard McCoy • Neera • Owz • Jean-Luc Picard • William T. Riker • Spock • Stroyka • Thermish • Tran • Deanna Troi • Worf, son of Mogh
Referenced only
Pavel Chekov • Devil • God • James T. Kirk • Montgomery Scott • Hikaru Sulu • Nyota Uhura

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class) • Tornado (freighter) • type-15 shuttlepod • unnamed starships (Tran's starship)
Referenced only
USS Enterprise (Constitution-class)


Modala • Starbase 42

Races and cultures[]

Betazoid • Ferengi • Human • Klingon • Modalan • Vulcan
Referenced only

States and organizations[]

Federation • Krisaian Regime • Starfleet • Starfleet Academy

Science and classification[]

android • holodeck • machine • synthehol • transporter • viewscreen • VISOR

Ranks and titles[]

admiral • cadet • captain • chief engineer • commander • counselor • doctor • hostess • lieutenant

Other references[]

alcohol • atom • bar • bird • blood • bone • book • brain • bridge • captain's log, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) • century • corridor • crew • day • "dixie cup" cover • exile • Federation Starfleet ranks (2360s-2370s) • history • hostage • hour • Kentucky bourbon • landing party • log entry • logic • medical • minute • money • nurse • quarters • revolt • sector • security • shuttle bay • sickbay • singing • space • Starfleet uniform (2366-2373) • suicide • swimming • swimsuit • Ten Forward • universe • water • year





published order
Previous comic:
For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Modala Imperative Next comic:
Lies and Legends!
Previous comic:
First in series
TNG comics
The Modala Imperative
Next comic:
Lies and Legends!
Previous story:
Starfleet Academy!
Stories by:
Peter David
Next story:
Lies and Legends!
chronological order
Previous adventure:
Data's Day
DC Comics Timeline Next adventure:
Lies and Legends!
Previous adventure:
Dark Mirror
Memory Beta Chronology Next adventure:
Lies and Legends!

External links[]
