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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Cry Vengeance.

"Cry Vengeance" was the second of three stories in DC Comics' second special issue of their series of TNG comics, accompanying "The Choice" and "Out of Time" in April 1994. Written by Chris Claremont, the story featured Jamie Finney and other characters last seen in the TOS graphic novel Debt of Honor.


When the USS Enterprise-D visits a Sigma-class space station, three Klingon warriors loyal to the House of Duras harass Alexander Rozhenko, and Colleen McMurphy intercedes. She comes aboard claiming to be a Federation bureaucrat, yet possesses a travel warrant allowing her unfettered passage aboard any Starfleet vessel, including the Enterprise, something Captain Jean-Luc Picard had never seen before. Alexander brings a thank-you gift to her guest quarters, a plant he'd grown himself. After he leaves, McMurphy initiates a command override protocol and sends a pre-programmed transmission to Qo'Nos. Commander William T. Riker then arrives, inviting her to the evening's poker game.

Later, Alexander sees McMurphy leaving the holodeck. He enters to find blood on the floor and panicks. Worf and Beverly Crusher can't reach McMurphy, who is lying nearly unconscious in her quarters. They are about to override the lock to her quarters when she apologetically opens the door, claiming to have been in the shower. She explains that she gave herself a nosebleed during a calisthenics program. After they leave, she removes her hidden, blood-soaked clothes, upset at having to lie to the crew.

That evening, after beating Riker at poker, she invites him to the holodeck, now fashioned as a Gaelic barn party, where they dance for hours. They're making out in a hay loft when a red alert sounds. The Enterprise has been surrounded by Klingon battle groups led by Commander Kurn. Per the directive of Gowron, Kurn demands that they come to Qo'Nos, where McMurphy will be judged by the Klingon High Council. Picard acquiesces, but in the observation lounge afterward, McMurphy will offer no explanation. Worf has investigated, however, and believes that McMurphy could be an assassin. After all, she possesses a special bat'leth that can only be wielded by the lord of a Klingon Great House. Doctor Crusher's scans reveal that McMurphy, while Human, has an iron-tight control over her physiology. Data determines that her credentials are forged, as no Colleen McMurphy exists in Starfleet.

From the battle group, Romulan Fleet Captain T'Kir beams aboard. An old friend of Picard's, she identifies McMurphy as Fleet Captain Jamie Finney. Finney admits she had to lie, as she's not allowed to leave Earth for medical reasons. She explains what brought her to this point. After serving as Kor's first officer for 20 years, the two were led into a trap by the Duras clan. Kor was assassinated and Finney tortured for two years, with Kor's murder sanctioned by the Klingon Chancellor. Colin McMurphy was killed during her rescue, and she was left physically unfit for active duty. She spent decades preparing for an honorable challenge to the current Chancellor in a blood duel. As the sole heir to the House of Kor, she rightfully owned her bat'leth. Spock's tutelage allowed her to regain her fitness and stamina, through rigid Vulcan discipline. But she'd been diagnosed with Reynard's Syndrome, similar to Alzheimer's disease, and had little time left. She makes her peace with Alexander and Riker.

On Qo'Nos, Finney and Chancellor Gowron fight until he strikes a fatal blow with his bat'leth. He commends her Klingon honor, restores the honor of the QuchHa', and witnesses salute her with the Klingon death ritual. Privately, in Ten-Forward afterward, Riker, Alexander, and Worf also perform the death howl.



Beverly Crusher • Data • Jamie Finney • Gowron • Kurn • Geordi La Forge • Jean-Luc Picard • William T. Riker • Alexander Rozhenko • T'Kir • Deanna Troi • Worf
Referenced only
Reginald Barclay • James T. Kirk • Kor • Leonard McCoy • Colin McMurphy • Helena Rozhenko • Sergey Rozhenko • Spock • T'Cel • V'Ger

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class explorer) • unnamed Klingon starships (Vor'cha-class attack cruisers)
Referenced only
USS Enterprise-A (refit Constitution-class heavy cruiser) • IKS Revenge (II) (Klingon battlecruiser) • ChR Phoenix (Vas Hatham-class Romulan bird-of-prey)


Qo'Nos • Sigma-class space station
Referenced only
Earth (Hebrides • Ireland • Scotland)

Races and cultures[]

Android • Betazoid • Human • Klingon (HemQuch • QuchHa') • Romulan
Referenced only
Borg • Chinese • "Critters" • Organian • Samurai • Spartan • Vulcan

States and organizations[]

Federation • Federation Council • House of Duras • House of Kor • Klingon Empire • Klingon High Council • Starfleet • Starfleet Archives • Starfleet Command

Science and classification[]

bat'leth • cloaking device • Cogley-Alpha • command override Archimedes • communications • communicator • computer • holodeck • holographic program (Ancient West Program) • phaser • rice picker • scimitar • transporter • weapon

Occupations and titles[]

admiral • assassin • captain • chief surgeon • commander • doctor • Federation President • first officer • fleet captain • hitchhiker • lieutenant • lord • number one • officer • security officer • slave • spy • warrior

Other references[]

alert status • Alzheimer's disease • aquarium • barn • battle group • blood • blood duel • bridge • century • chess • civil war • dancing • discommodation • DNA • emotion • exile • flagship • Great House • honor • Klingon death ritual • Klingon honor blade • music • observation lounge • plant • poker • promenade • quarters • races and cultures • ready room • red alert • replica (USS Stargazer) • Reynard's Syndrome • sickbay • space • starbase • Starfleet uniform (2278-2350s) • Starfleet uniform (2366-2373) • starship • telepathy • Ten-Forward • torture • travel warrant • trombone • virus • year • yoga


Related media[]





published order
Previous story:
The Choice
TNG comics
(DC TNG Special - 1994)
Next story:
Out of Time
Previous story:
Debt of Honor
Stories by:
Chris Claremont
Next story:
latest story
chronological order
Previous adventure:
DC Comics Timeline Next adventure:
The Choice
Previous adventure:
Memory Beta Chronology Next adventure:
The Choice
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2370.
The Memory Beta Chronology places events from this story in 2 other timeframe(s):
Previous adventure:
Immortal Coil
"Seventy Years Ago": Parts 1-3
Flashback: Page 17
Next adventure:
Cry Vengeance
Flashback: Page 18
Previous adventure:
Cry Vengeance
Flashback: Page 17
Flashback: Page 18
Next adventure:
One Constant Star
The Lost Era: Excelsior, Chapter 8

External links[]
