Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"First First Contact" is the 20th episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks, the 10th episode in the program's second season, premiered on 14 October 2021 on the Paramount+ viewing service.



Amadou • Arjun • Asif • Barnes • Andy Billups • Brad Boimler • Casey • Castro • Dahae • Pon Darra • Dirk • Alonzo Freeman • Carol Freeman • Sonya Gomez • Haubold • Karavitus • Kayshon • Kimolu • Mandel • Jet Manhaver • Matt • Beckett Mariner • Big Merp • Sleepy Merp • Gabers Migleemo • Moxy • Jack Ransom • Sam Rutherford • Shaxs Drazon • Jennifer Sh'reyan • Steve Stevens • T'Ana • Taylor • D'Vana Tendi • Vendome • Wendy • Westlake • unnamed Lapeerians
Referenced only
Jadzia Dax • James T. Kirk • Jean-Luc Picard • Spock

Starships and vehicles[]

Adonis (Type 6A shuttlecraft) • USS Archimedes • USS Cerritos (California-class) • Nova-class (unnamed) • Oberth-class (unnamed)


Laap star system • Lapeeria (Lapeeria City) • Pakled Planet

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Antaran • Bajoran • Beluga whale • Benzite • Bolian • Caitian • Haliian • Human • Kzinti • Lapeerian • Merp's species • Migleemo's species • Moxy's species • Napean • Orion • Pon Darra's species • Tamarian • Tellarite • Trill • Vulcan
Referenced only

Other references[]

Captain Freeman Day • Varuvian bomb


Related media[]



Star Trek: Lower Decks episodes
season 1 "Second Contact" • "Envoys" • "Temporal Edict" • "Moist Vessel" • "Cupid's Errant Arrow" • "Terminal Provocations" • "Much Ado About Boimler" • "Veritas" • "Crisis Point" • "No Small Parts"
season 2 "Strange Energies" • "Kayshon, His Eyes Open" • "We'll Always Have Tom Paris" • "Mugato, Gumato" • "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers" • "The Spy Humongous" • "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie" • "I, Excretus" • "wej Duj" • "First First Contact"
season 3 "Grounded" • "The Least Dangerous Game" • "Mining the Mind's Mines" • "Room for Growth" • "Reflections" • "Hear All, Trust Nothing" • "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption" • "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus" • "Trusted Sources" • "The Stars at Night"
season 4 "Twovix" • "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee" • "In the Cradle of Vexilon" • "Something Borrowed, Something Green" • "Empathological Fallacies" • "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place" • "A Few Badgeys More" • "Caves" • "The Inner Fight" • "Old Friends, New Planets"


published order
Previous episode:
"wej Duj"
Lower Decks episode produced Next episode:
Previous episode:
"wej Duj"
Lower Decks episode aired Next episode:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
"wej Duj"
Memory Beta Chronology Next Adventure:
Previous Adventure:
"wej Duj"
Voyages of the
USS Cerritos
Next Adventure:

External link[]

First First Contact article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
