Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
GAT redirects here but may also refer to Gailtek Armaments and Technologies.

Star Trek: Gateways was a miniseries of seven books published in 2001, depicting events centered around Iconian Gateways and the Gateways Crisis of 2376. The first six novels were set during each of the four then-existent television series, plus two prose-only series, Star Trek: New Frontier and Star Trek: Challenger. The seventh book (originally published in hardcover) was an anthology of novellas, each providing closure to each of the preceding novels. There was also a Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers eBook presented as an "epilogue" to the series.

The Novels[]

  1. One Small Step, by Susan Wright (TOS)
  2. Chainmail, by Diane Carey (Star Trek: Challenger)
  3. Doors Into Chaos, by Robert Greenberger (TNG)
  4. Demons of Air and Darkness, by Keith R.A. DeCandido (DS9)
  5. No Man's Land, by Christie Golden (VOY)
  6. Cold Wars, by Peter David (NF)
  7. What Lay Beyond
    1. "One Giant Leap" (TOS)
    2. "Exodus" (CHR)
    3. "Horn and Ivory" (DS9)
    4. "In the Queue" (VOY)
    5. "Death After Life" (NF)
    6. "The Other Side" (TNG)

Epilogue: Here There Be Monsters by Keith R.A. DeCandido (SCE)



Star Trek series and films
Television series and related media Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS proseTOS comicsTOS games) • Star Trek: The Animated SeriesStar Trek: The Next Generation • (TNG proseTNG comicsTNG games) • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (DS9 proseDS9 comicsDS9 games) • Star Trek: Voyager (VOY proseVOY comics) • Star Trek: Enterprise (ENT prose) • Star Trek: Discovery (DSC proseDSC comics) • Star Trek: Short TreksStar Trek: Picard (PIC prosePIC comics) • Star Trek: Lower Decks (LD comics) • Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (SNW proseSNW comics) • Star Trek: Prodigy (PRD prosePRD games)
Films Star Trek: The Motion PictureStar Trek II: The Wrath of KhanStar Trek III: The Search for SpockStar Trek IV: The Voyage HomeStar Trek V: The Final FrontierStar Trek VI: The Undiscovered CountryStar Trek GenerationsStar Trek: First ContactStar Trek: InsurrectionStar Trek NemesisStar TrekStar Trek Into DarknessStar Trek Beyond
Novel series New FrontierChallenger (fm. New Earth) • StargazerCorps of Engineers (fm. SCE) • Klingon Empire (fm. IKS Gorkon) • Vanguard (Seekers) • TitanDepartment of Temporal InvestigationsStarfleet Academy (1990s2010s)
Novel miniseries The Captain's TableDay of HonorDestinyThe Dominion WarDouble HelixThe FallGatewaysInvasion!The Lost EraMirror UniverseMyriad UniversesNew Earth (Challenger) • PreyPrometheusRise of the FederationSection 31Terok NorTyphon PactCoda
Comic series DefiantEarly VoyagesStar Trek/Boldly Go (IDW Kelvin timeline series) • Star Trek (IDW 24th century series) • Starfleet Academy (MarvelIDW) • Star Trek UnlimitedWaypoint
Games Starfleet AcademyStar Trek Online
Other Starfleet Academy

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