Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Type-15 Shuttlepod was a small Federation shuttlecraft in operation in the late 24th century. The main production base for these light short-range sublight craft was Starbase 134's Integration Facility at Rigel VI.


Type-15 MSD

Master systems display of the Type 15.

In its standard configuration, the Type-15 shuttlepod could accomodate two crewmembers, a pilot and a systems manager. It was equipped with two 500 millicochrane impulse engines which gave it a maximum speed of 12,800 meters per second, eight DeFI 657 hot gas RCS thrusters and three sarium krellide storage cells. It had a mass of 0.86 metric tonnes. (TNG reference: Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual)

Other configurations[]


The Type-15A variant was slightly heavier than the standard Type-15 at 0.97 metric tonnes. It also had a higher top speed of 13,200 m/sec.

Type 16[]

The Type-16 variant was classed as a medium short-range sublight shuttle. It was a lengthened version of the Type-15 at 4.8 meters long and had more powerful engines, but a lower top speed. The two 750 millicochrane impulse driver engines propelled the Type-16 to a maximum speed of 12,250 m/sec. It was mounted with eight DeFI 635 hot gas RCS thrusters and four sarium krellide storage cells. (TNG reference: Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual)

Known craft[]

USS Aries (NCC-45167)[]

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)[]



Starfleet shuttlecraft and auxiliary spacecraft classes
Federation, Starfleet named classes AeroshuttleDanubeEpochFlyerGreyhoundMcCallMercury (warpshuttle)PulsarSphinxTeslaValkyrieVenture (scout)WaveriderWraithYellowstoneZodiac (warp shuttle) alphanumeric designations 2ACFGHR10S3S4S5S6S7S10S11S12S20SC22SW7SW21 Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
type designations type-1type-3type-4type-5type-6type-6Atype-6Ctype-7type-8type-8 cargotype-9type-9Atype-10type-11type-15type-15Atype-16type-17type-18type-18HZhang Sui
others mark IIcaptain's skiffcaptain's yachtAcademy trainer craftunnamed Federation shuttlecraft classes
Federation, Starfleet
(Kelvin timeline)
military shuttlepassenger shuttleStarfleet shuttle (2230s) Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.


External Link[]
