Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed arthropods.

Amerind fly []

Amerind bug

A fly on Kirok's face

This type of fly landed on Kirok's face while he and his newlywed wife Miramanee were talking on the planet Amerind in 2268. (TOS: "The Paradise Syndrome")

In reality, it can (of course) be attributed to the fact that the episode was filmed outdoors instead of on an indoor set.

Archer IV arachnid []

Archer IV scorpion

An Archer IV arachnid

The planet Archer IV contained a type of arachnid. (ENT: "Strange New World")

In the first draft script of "Strange New World", the Archer IV arachnid was referred to as "a scorpion-sized arachnid." The scripted description changed so that, in the final draft of the episode's script, the creature was instead described thus; "It's four-inches long, with a scorpion-like, segmented body." Also, in the first draft, the arachnids were established as being nocturnal and "half a dozen" of the animals were found in a cave by Charles Tucker, who proceeded to trample on them. However, this did not happen in the final draft, nor happens in the final version of the episode.

Archer IV firefly []

Cutler in a firefly's glow

A firefly with Crewman Cutler

In the 22nd century, a species of firefly lived on planet Archer IV.

One night in 2151, some of the fireflies were encountered there by a landing party from the NX-class starship Enterprise. The landing party included Crewman Cutler, who lightly waved one away while Ensign Travis Mayweather was telling a ghost story. The fireflies abruptly left the area, as Cutler noted. She and Charles "Trip" Tucker jokingly commented on the possibility that either the story or the ghost in the tale had frightened away the insects, moments before a storm front approached. (ENT: "Strange New World")

"Dozens" of fireflies were scripted to appear in "Strange New World" and were intended to "blink intermittently throughout the scene."

Dakala bug []

Dakalan bug

A Dakalan bug

This bug, as described by Commander Tucker, which could "glow in the dark", was among the wildlife inhabiting the rogue planet Dakala. He further joked, "at least you can tell when they've crawled into your sleeping bag." (ENT: "Rogue Planet")

This creature was identified as a snake in the final draft script of "Rogue Planet" and was scripted to slither and glow "with an eerie blue bioluminescence." Later in the script, Tucker referred to "snakes [that] glow in the dark," but was later changed to what is referenced above.

The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 177 identified this bug as a millipede}.

Dansk giant centipede []

In 2381, Ensign Brad Boimler was slated to go on a mission to Dansk, where he would attempt to "wrangle" giant centipedes while he was armed with a phaser rifle. However, Ensign Beckett Mariner ultimately got Boimler reassigned to accompany her to the Daystrom Institute, as she believed he was not ready to handle giant centipedes, which had poisonous pincers and mandibles. (LD: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie")

This species was only mentioned in dialogue.

Desert planet burrowing crab []

Alien crab

A burrowing crab

While stranded on a desert planet in 2381, Ensign Brad Boimler encountered crab-like creatures who could quickly burrow through the sand on the planet's surface. A group of these creatures attempted to carry off AGIMUS, but they were quickly stopped by Boimler, who kicked a few of them away, causing the rest to scatter. (LD: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie")

Two of these creatures were among the lifeforms displayed at Narj's Miraculous Menagerarium. (LD: "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee")

Erabus Prime insect []

This type of insect lived on the planet Erabus Prime and was capable of transmitting a particularly nasty infection. (DS9: "Q-Less")

Hima insects []

Hima insects

Hima insects in 3188

The Hima insects were forms of life native to the planet Hima in the 32nd century.

A land insect, with a beige body and six legs, ate other insects. One of its prey was a blue flying insect.

In 3188, after catching its prey, the sounds of Michael Burnham and Cleveland Booker's ship entering the atmosphere caught the attention of a land insect. (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 1")

Klingon food insect []

Klingon restaurant sign

Alien invertebrate (upper left)

An insect-like creature of unknown origin was seen on a display in the Klingon restaurant on Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Playing God")

This creature might have been native to Qo'noS or another Klingon planet. Its placement on the display suggests it was edible, and on the restaurant menu.

Lactra VII biting insect []

Doctor Leonard McCoy attributed Nancy Randolph's malaria-type infection to an insect bite in 2269. (TAS: "The Eye of the Beholder")

As this was speculation on McCoy's part without the aid of his medikit, the creature may not even exist.

Loracus Prime termites []

Unidentified Loracus Prime termites

Termites native to Loracus Prime

Profiles of a number of termite species native to Loracus Prime were seen in the Handbook of Exobiology. (ENT: "Strange New World")

These termites were seemingly identified in the book, but were barely legible and have not been deciphered.

Martian insects []

The Martian insects were forms of life that once existed on the planet Mars in the Sol system.

In 2364, images of the fossil remains were viewed by the Tkon Empire Portal 63 as it read through the entire database of the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "The Last Outpost")

Later that year, the same images were seen by Lore, as he was using the library computer of the Enterprise-D to learn more of the vessel and its customs. (TNG: "Datalore")

The fossils of these two types of martian insects were seen on library computer viewscreens in the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation without any description. The okudagram images were taken from the Spaceflight Chronology. In the book, the insect remains were described as silicon-based lifeforms about three centimeters long. Their age was silicon isotope dated to be several million years. The fossils were discovered after they were uncovered by a sandstorm in the year 2021. This date of discovery of a silicon-based lifeform would contradict the fact that silicon-based life was considered only a theoretical possibility until 2267, as established in TOS: "The Devil in the Dark".

Rigel X insects []

Rigel X hosted multiple insect species.

Shortly after arriving on the planet in 2151, a large flying insect landed on Trip Tucker's jacket, causing his to twitch, causing it to fly away.

Later, a species of butterfly was seen as part of a dance performance with female dancers, who consumed them. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

According to the script, the first type of insect was described as "a large ALIEN INSECT lands briefly on Charlie's shoulder. Startled, his body jerks in response and the insect flies away. T'Pol shoots him a look, disapproving of his childish reaction."

The second type of insect was described in the script as being "dozens of flitting butterflies".
