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Memory Alpha
Klingon restaurant sign

The sign of the Klingon restaurant.

Klingon restaurant

The Klingon restaurant aboard DS9.

The Klingon restaurant was a small eatery opened on the Promenade of Deep Space 9 in 2370. The restaurant featured authentic Klingon cuisine prepared live by a master Klingon Chef who also serenaded his guests with traditional Klingon drinking songs and Klingon concertina.

Julian Bashir took Melora Pazlar to the Klingon restaurant in 2370, where she impressed the chef with her knowledge of Klingon food. Later that year, Jadzia Dax took her Trill initiate Arjin to the restaurant, though he was somewhat leery of the racht. (DS9: "Melora", "Playing God")

When Kang came to the station, he used it as an example of the weakening and loss of tradition in the Klingon empire. (DS9: "Blood Oath")

When Doctor Bashir and Garak met for lunch in the replimat they saw it was more than full and considered Quark's. But Garak was not in the mood for a noisy and crowded establishment, so Doctor Bashir also excluded the Klingon restaurant. (DS9: "The Wire")

Jake Sisko, Leanne, and Orak had dinner at the Klingon restaurant in 2371 where Leanne had ordered the gagh. A few weeks later, Leanne asked Jake if he would be willing to have dinner with her at the same restaurant. He agreed, but they decided to skip the gagh. (DS9: "Life Support")

In 2372, Trelos Vren was arrested outside of the Klingon restaurant on four accounts of petty theft. (DS9: "Indiscretion")

In late 2373, following the Federation-Klingon War, Worf, Jadzia Dax, and Kira Nerys decided to eat at the Klingon restaurant as Quark's was being repaired. (DS9: "Empok Nor")

In 2374, Kira wanted to visit the restaurant with Odo, as she had a craving for broiled krada legs. (DS9: "The Sound of Her Voice")

The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 419 identified this small restaurant as the Klingon kiosk.

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