Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

AGIMUS was an evil, megalomaniacal sentient computer of unknown origin.


AGIMUS appeared as a typical computer tower design with a glowing red light that blinked as he spoke; after some work, he was able to change it to blue, as well.

He had a built in replication system that was capable of producing his murder drones.

Though otherwise incapable of moving himself, relying on others to carry him, he did possess a lever in his back panel that allowed him to tip over. (LD: "A Few Badgeys More")



Art of "Lord AGIMUS" with his drones and worshipers

Sometime around the 2280s, AGIMUS tricked a planet's inhabitants into fighting a century-long internal war by passing himself off as a supernatural being.

The war ended in 2381 through the intervention of a team from the USS Cerritos, who disconnected "Lord" AGIMUS from his network of drones.

Ensigns Brad Boimler and Beckett Mariner knew about AGIMUS, but were unaware that the cargo container they were assigned to deliver to the Daystrom Institute in the shuttlecraft Yosemite held the "evil computer".

En route, the Yosemite was caught by gravimetric shear and crashed on a nearby planet. Revealed to be within the damaged container, AGIMUS attempted to turn Boimler and Mariner against each other, in the hopes of manipulating one of them into connecting him to a larger system. After surreptitiously downloading the contents of Mariner's PADD, AGIMUS showed Boimler a recording of Mariner talking Commander Jack Ransom into pulling him from a mission to Dansk that he had been anticipating.

Arriving at a derelict starship, Boimler and Mariner argued about whether they should allow AGIMUS to help them reactivate the ship. Boimler stunned Mariner with a type 2 phaser and took AGIMUS to the bridge, where he apparently connected him to the navigation console to act as a substitute after AGIMUS assured that the ship's engines were still functional. AGIMUS then triumphantly announced his true intention of using the ship's materials to build a fleet of murder drones and conquer the star system. However, Boimler revealed that he had merely played along with AGIMUS' manipulations. He actually had connected AGIMUS to the dimmer switch, and had only stunned Mariner to gain the computer's trust so as to access his power cell and broadcast a distress signal. Outraged but impotent, AGIMUS flickered the bridge lights in a vain attempt to "blind" Boimler and Mariner.

After Mariner, Boimler, and AGIMUS were rescued by a Danube-class runabout, the computer claimed to have turned over a new leaf, deleted his "manipulative subroutines", and expressed a desire to join Starfleet and follow in Seven of Nine's footsteps as "AGIMUS of One". Despite his claims, AGIMUS was soon secured in the Self-Aware Megalomaniacal Computer Storage at the Daystrom Institute in Okinawa, where he began arguing with the numerous other evil computers stored there. (LD: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie")

Following Peanut Hamper's placement in the Daystrom Institute in 2381, AGIMUS befriended the wayward exocomp, complimenting her "mathematically perfect name", and saying that the two of them "could do awful things together." (LD: "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption")

While Peanut Hamper initially plotted with AGIMUS to fool the parole board, escape, and begin a plan of domination, she eventually realized that she really did feel remorse for betraying everyone. In his part of the plot, AGIMUS lured Boimler to meet with him and after hijacking Boimler's shuttle, took them to a designated rendezvous point in Equator, where they awaited Peanut Hamper. After failing to meet up with Peanut Hamper, and his beliefs that she had double-crossed him, AGIMUS took it upon himself to conquer the inhabitants of Plymeria in their names.

AGIMUS and Peanut Hamper banner

Banner with art of AGIMUS and Peanut Hamper

Following AGIMUS' world domination, he found no joy in his accomplishment since he'd already done that. This time, he was just lonely and wanted a friend. Tendi offered to locate Peanut Hamper, and found that she had returned to her home on the Tyrus VIIA research station where she rejoined with her father Kevin.

While AGIMUS was returned to prison, he intended to end his toxic behavior, rehabilitate himself for real, petition for release, and move in with Peanut Hamper. AGIMUS apologized to Boimler and Tendi for his actions and revealed that he hadn't lied to them about knowing something about the ships getting attacked. AGIMUS showed the footage from one of his drones of the Bynar ship getting stolen, revealing that the new enemy had been stealing all of the ships and faked their destruction. As Boimler and Tendi left, Tyrannikillicus asked AGIMUS if he could teach him how to be friendly. (LD: "A Few Badgeys More")

AGIMUS was voiced by Jeffrey Combs. Although AGIMUS is written as an acronym, an explanation for a full name thus implied is yet to be revealed.
