Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Rigel X was the inhabited tenth planet in the Rigel system of the Alpha Quadrant. It was affiliated with the United Federation of Planets by the 23rd century. (ENT: "Broken Bow", "These Are the Voyages..."; TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")


Rigel X butterflies

Butterflies in the trade complex

In the 22nd century, Rigel X was the site of a Rigelian colony that served as a trade outpost. It was a single complex consisting of thirty-six levels and populated by numerous different species. Large flying insects and butterflies were also seen inside the structure. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

In 2151, the Klingon Klaang visited Rigel X to make contact with Suliban dissident Sarin. Rigel X was soon thereafter the first planet visited by Enterprise NX-01; the Earth starship Enterprise visited Rigel X in its search for Klaang, who had been kidnapped from the ship by the Cabal shortly before. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

While imprisoned at Tandaran Detention Complex 26, Captain Jonathan Archer was reminded of Enterprise's visit to Rigel X, upon being questioned by Tandaran colonel Grat. Grat also informed Archer that several Tandaran men had seen the captain at Rigel X. (ENT: "Detained")

In 2161, Enterprise returned to Rigel X to help Thy'lek Shran rescue his daughter, Talla. It was the last world Enterprise visited before being decommissioned, which Captain Archer considered to be "poetic justice." (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...")

Food Synthesizer

A display showing Rigel X

In a commercial for Tribbles cereal, Rigel X was shown on a computer screen of a food synthesizer in the mess hall of the USS Ravenous. It was listed along with other locations such as Earth, Vulcan, Izar, Cestus, Tellar, Rigel VI, and Andoria. (ST: "The Trouble with Edward", credit cookie)

Some time before 2267, Rigel X had become a Federation world. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")

In 2267, Rigel X became the next target of the planet killer, after it had disintegrated the planets in the nearby star systems L-370 and L-374. The combined efforts of the starships USS Constellation and USS Enterprise destroyed the extragalactic doomsday weapon before it reached this planet. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")



Background information[]

This planet's quadrant of origin is inferred based on the position of its star system as seen in the star chart appearing in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

Rigel was apparently not a name invented by Humans, since Vulcans and Klingons used this name in their native languages and the planet's location was not known to Humans before it was learned from the Vulcan star charts in "Broken Bow". Rigel X was the first and last planet visited by Enterprise, not only in the fictional sense but also on-screen, from "Broken Bow" to "These Are the Voyages...".

For "Broken Bow", some scenes at the trade post were filmed at the Redondo Power Plant and Hyperion Water Treatment Plant. ("These Are the Voyages..." text commentary, ENT Season 4 DVD) The exterior of the alien planet's outpost, including its landing platform, involved a real set. A CG model of the area, created by Eden FX, was also used. "That went through a couple of revisions as far as whether it was sitting on top of a mountain or built into the side," recalled Eden co-founder John Gross. "Also the things on the roof that [the characters] stood next to [...] were about six feet tall, and we built everything to scale, but when we looked at our shots, Peter Lauritson commented that [the CG version] didn't look big enough. And he was right; it looked like it was the size of the set and we wanted it to look massive, so we shrunk all those things down and it looked much better." The variety of elements that were integrated together to portray the surface of Rigel X in "Broken Bow" additionally included a CG snowstorm. Snow in wide shots of the planet's surface incorporated the digital snow effects, but Ronald B. Moore also had Eden provide him with some CG snow which he combined with the live-action footage in the compositing bay. This helped ensure that the snow in the various shots looked consistent. (Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 2, Issue 10, p. 29) Eden's Fred Pincus was another visual effects artist who worked on representing the Rigel X complex in "Broken Bow", an assignment he particularly enjoyed doing. (Star Trek Monthly issue 106, p. 43)

In a scene that was scripted for the end of ENT: "Home" (and included in the ENT Season 4 Blu-ray) but never filmed, Rigel X was briefly mentioned, as one of several small rocks which Archer left at his father's grave had been taken by the captain from Rigel X. In the same scene, Archer commented as if to his deceased father, "The entire planet's a frozen wasteland. You would've hated it."

For "These Are the Voyages...", only a section of the trading complex was rebuilt, on Paramount Stage 9. ("These Are the Voyages..." text commentary, ENT Season 4 DVD)

According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 52), Rigel X was located in the Beta Rigel system, between the Sol system and Qo'noS, not around the "true" star Rigel, which in the real world is located significantly further away from Earth. This would solve a problem in the episode ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights", wherein it is stated that 90 light years was the farthest away from Earth any Human had ever gone up to that point. Rigel X (Beta Rigel X) was classified as a P class planet. The planet was a member planet of both the United Rigel Colonies (β) and the United Federation of Planets. Rigel X was admitted, along with the United Rigel Colonies, to the Federation in 2202. The capital city was the Rigel Trade Complex. The dominant species were the humanoid Rigellians; however, there were many other species living on the planet. In 2378, there were 35.9 million people living on Rigel X.

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