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David E Speyer's user avatar
David E Speyer's user avatar
David E Speyer
  • Member for 14 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
171 votes

Most memorable titles

129 votes

Why do primes dislike dividing the sum of all the preceding primes?

109 votes

Invertible matrices of natural numbers are permutations... why?

100 votes

Irreducibility of polynomials in two variables

87 votes

$\prod_{n=1}^{\infty} n^{\mu(n)}=\frac{1}{4 \pi ^2}$

84 votes

Why could Mertens not prove the prime number theorem?

79 votes

Applications of the Chinese remainder theorem

77 votes

Conceptual reason why the sign of a permutation is well-defined?

72 votes

Open problems with monetary rewards

70 votes

When is the product of two ideals equal to their intersection?

70 votes

Generating a finite group from elements in each conjugacy class

69 votes

Ideas for introducing Galois theory to advanced high school students

68 votes

When can one continuously prescribe a unit vector orthogonal to a given orthonormal system?

65 votes

Strengthening the induction hypothesis

60 votes

Computing $\prod_p(\frac{p^2-1}{p^2+1})$ without the zeta function?

59 votes

Applications of the Chinese remainder theorem

59 votes

Eigenvalues of matrix sums

58 votes

English reference for a result of Kronecker?

57 votes

What is the Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch formula for the flag variety of a Lie algebra?

56 votes

What should be learned in a first serious schemes course?

55 votes

Are there infinitely many integer-valued polynomials dominated by $1.9^n$ on all of $\mathbb{N}$?

52 votes

How to visualize Dirichlet’s unit theorem?

51 votes

Does the rational power series ring $\mathbb{Q}[[X]]$ embed as a ring into the field of real numbers?

51 votes

What should be learned in a first serious schemes course?

46 votes

Tell me an algebraic integer that isn't an eigenvalue of the sum of two permutations

45 votes

Are there infinitely many integer-valued polynomials dominated by $1.9^n$ on all of $\mathbb{N}$?

44 votes

How did Cole factor $2^{67}-1$ in 1903?

43 votes

(Short) Exact sequences with no commutative diagram between them

43 votes

Is no proof based on "tertium non datur" sufficient any more after Gödel?

42 votes

What should be offered in undergraduate mathematics that's currently not (or isn't usually)?

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