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Questions tagged [cohomology]

A branch of algebraic topology concerning the study of cocycles and coboundaries. It is in some sense a dual theory to homology theory. This tag can be further specialized by using it in conjunction with the tags group-cohomology, etale-cohomology, sheaf-cohomology, galois-cohomology, lie-algebra-cohomology, motivic-cohomology, equivariant-cohomology, ...

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Confusion regarding the vanishing of certain relative cohomology groups

Let $X$ be a projective variety of dimension $n$ and $D \subset X$ is a proper subvariety. Embed $X$ into a projective space $\mathbb{P}^{3n}$. The following argument implies that $H^i(X,X\backslash D)...
user45397's user avatar
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Cohomology of a differentiable stack: evaluation at a point

I'm reading these Behrend's notes on cohomology of stacks, and I can't get over a detail in the fourth page. Let $X_\bullet=(X_1\rightrightarrows X_0)$ be a Lie groupoid and let $\mathcal{N}$ be its ...
Kandinskij's user avatar
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Variant of Leray-Hirsch for complex-oriented cohomology theory

I am interested in a variant of the Leray-Hirsch theorem. Let $\mathbb{E}^*$ be a complex-oriented cohomology theory and let $\mathbb{E}_*$ the coefficient ring. Suppose that $F \xrightarrow{i} P \to ...
onefishtwofish's user avatar
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The tautness property and the continuity property of cohomology theory

Let $H^{\ast }$ denote the Čech cohomology or Alexander-Spanier cohomology. Definition: (Tautness property of cohomology) Let $X$ be a paracompact Hausdorff space and $A$ be a closed subspace of $X$. ...
Mehmet Onat's user avatar
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Minimal Model for $\mathbb{CP}^2 \# \mathbb{CP}^2 \# \mathbb{CP}^2$

I'm a grad student studying non-negative curvature on simply-connected manifolds and the conjectured relationship with rational homotopy theory. The rational homotopy groups (and so the number of ...
Russ Phelan's user avatar
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How can we construct a non-trivial central extension of a Lie group

Let $G$ be a connected and simply connected Lie group with its Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. Assume that $[c]\in H^2 (\mathfrak{g};\mathbb{R})$ is a non-trivial 2-cocycle. Then we can construct a non-...
Mahtab's user avatar
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Koszul cohomology associated with a regular sequence

Let $A$ be a local Noetherian ring and $M$ be an $A$-module. Let $\mathfrak{a}$ be an ideal of $A$ generated by a regular $M$-sequence $s_1,\cdots,s_r$. Let $K_\bullet(s_1,\cdots,s_r;M)$ be the Koszul ...
Li Li's user avatar
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Why do symmetries of K3 surfaces lie in the Mathieu group $M_{24}$?

I'm having trouble following some steps of this argument from the appendix of Eguchi, Ooguri and Tachikawa's paper Notes on the K3 surface and the Mathieu group M24: Now let us recall that the ...
John Baez's user avatar
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Does coproduct preserve cohomology in differential graded algebra category

Consider two cochain DGA (differential graded algebras) named $A$ and $B$. By "coproduct" of two DGA I mean the category theory coproduct, not the coalgebra coproduct. It is defined in "...
wer's user avatar
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Are there any relations between perverse t-structure (cohomologies) and standard t-structure (cohomologies)?

I'm reading the Corollary 3.2.3. in Exponential motives by J. Fresan and P. Jossen. The authors use the following statement in the proof of Corollary 3.2.3: let $C$ be any object in the derived ...
Mathstudent's user avatar
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Cohomological dimension of functors from fields to vector spaces

Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field. Denote by $\mathcal F_d$ the category of extensions $K\to F$ of transcendent degree $d$.(Objects are pairs $F,j$ consisting of a field $F$ and the embedding $...
Galois group's user avatar
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About Čech cohomology in transformation groups

I'm starting a study about theory of transformation groups and equivariant cohomology, in what I read several times that Čech cohomology is the most compatible with this theory, but until now I haven'...
Ludwik's user avatar
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In Mann's six-functor formalism, do diagrams with the forget-supports map commute?

One of the main goals in formalizing six-functor formalisms is to obtain some sort of "coherence theorem", affirming that "every diagram that should commute, commutes". In these ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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The Salvetti complex of a non-realizable oriented matroid

Given a real hyperplane arrangement, the Salvetti complex of the associated oriented matroid is homotopy equivalent to the complement of the complexification of the arrangement. In particular, its ...
Nicholas Proudfoot's user avatar
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Reference request: cohomology of BTOP with mod $2^m$ coefficients

I am searching for a reference with information pertaining to the $\mathbb{Z}/{2^m}$ cohomology of ${\rm{BTOP}}(n)$, for $n \geq 8$ and $m=1,2$, where $${\rm{TOP}}(n) = \{f \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to \...
Baylee Schutte's user avatar

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