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G-modules vs. $\Delta(NG)$-modules

Let X be a simplicial set. Its category of simplices, denoted by $\Delta(X)$, is the category whose objects are the pairs $(x,[n])$, with $x\in X_n$, and morphisms $\bar{c}:(y,[m])\to (x,[n])$, where $...
Antoine's user avatar
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Subgroups of top cohomological dimension

Let $G$ be a geometrically finite group, i.e. there exists a finite CW complex of type $K(G,1)$. By Serre's Theorem, every finite-index subgroup $H$ of $G$ satisfies $cd(H)=cd(G)$, but what about the ...
Stephan Mescher's user avatar
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Examples of isomorphic non-equivalent twisted group algebras

Let $F$ be a field, $G$ be a finite group and $\alpha \in Z^2(G, F^*)$ . The twisted group algebra $F^{\alpha}G$ is a $F$-algebra with $F$ vector basis, $\{\bar g : g \in G \},$ and multiplication ...
Eloon_Mask_P's user avatar
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Cohomological variety in case that Sylow subgroup is elementary abelian

Let $G$ be a finite group, $p$ a prime number, and $k$ an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p$. Then we can consider the cohomological variety of $G$, namely the maximal spectrum $V_G$ of ...
freeRmodule's user avatar
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Restriction vs. multiplication by $n$ in Tate cohomology

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Res}{Res} \DeclareMathOperator{\Cor}{Cor}$ This question was asked in MSE. It got no answers or comments, and so I post it here. Let $H$ be a subgroup of a finite group $G$, and ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Mayer-Vietoris sequence in group cohomology for arbitrary pushout squares of groups?

Suppose that we have (not necessarily injective) group homomorphisms $H \to G_1$ and $H \to G_2$, and we construct the pushout (i.e. amalgamated free product) $G_1 \sqcup_H G_2$. Suppose that we have ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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Cohomologically trivial module $M$ such that $M/pM$ is not cohomologically trivial for some $p\in\mathbb{N}$

I was reading Brown's Cohomology Theory of Finite groups and was wondering whether there's an example of the following. Let $n\in \mathbb{N}$. Does there exist a $\mathbb{Z}_n$ module $M$ which is ...
sirjoe's user avatar
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Examples of a group $G$ and an $F$-representation $V$ where $\cup:H^1(G,F)\otimes H^1(G,V)\to H^2(G,V)$ is injective

Let $G$ be a group and $F$ a field. I am particularly interested in the case where $G$ is a uniform lattice in a Lie group and $F=\mathbb{F}_2$, or in finite groups $G$ where $\operatorname{char} F$ ...
Uriya First's user avatar
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Coboundary operators, 1-cocycles and computing cohomology

My question is about the compatibility and consistency between two definitions of cohomology in two books. I asked this question about 10 days ago on MathSE and I set a bounty on it, but I didn't ...
Tireless and hardworking's user avatar
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Group cohomology of $\mathbb{Z}$ vs $\mathbb{Z}_p$

Let $M$ be a continuous representation of $\mathbb{Z}_p$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$, likely infinite-dimensional. There is the inflation map of group cohomology $H^*_{\text{cts}}(\mathbb{Z}_p, M) \rightarrow ...
user125639's user avatar
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Cohomological dimension of torsion-free groups and its subgroups

In this thesis by Martin Hamilton on Finiteness Conditions in Group Cohomology there is on page 11 a reference to following result: Theorem 1.2.14. If $G$ is a torsion-free group and $H$ is a subgroup ...
user267839's user avatar
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Rack cohomology as derived functor cohomology

Let $X$ be a rack and $A$ be an $X$-module. By this paper, p. 33, we can associate a cochain complex $C^\bullet(X,A)$ to the pair $(X,A)$. This complex is explicitly defined by a differential $d$. I ...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
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Non-trivial example of $H^2(G,M)$ where $M$ is a non-trivial G-representation

Let $G$ be a finite group; denote by $\mathbb{Z}_2$ the cyclic group of order $2$. Let $\pi: G \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}_2$ be a non-trivial group homomorphism. Let M be the $G$ representation $\mathbb{Z}...
A_Physicist.'s user avatar
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Deciding isometry of unimodular lattices by Gram matrices

Say I have two unimodular lattices $A$ and $B$, represented by their Gram matrices. Question: Is there an algorithm to decide whether $A$ and $B$ are isometric, i.e. whether there exists a matrix $S \...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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An action of the symmetric group $S_n$ on group cohomology $H^n(G, A)$ of abelian groups

Let $H$, $A$ be discrete abelian groups, and for simplicity suppose $A$ is given the trivial $H$-action. When considering the second cohomology group $H^2(H,A)$, it is natural to talk about the ...
Freddie Manners's user avatar

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