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Questions tagged [topological-manifolds]

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5 votes
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existence of triangulations of manifolds

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold. Let $K$ be a simplicial complex. Let ${\rm sd}(K)$ be the sub-division of $K$. Suppose there exists a simplicial sub-complex $K_1$ of ${\rm sd}(K)$ such that $K_1$ ...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
6 votes
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Reference request: cohomology of BTOP with mod $2^m$ coefficients

I am searching for a reference with information pertaining to the $\mathbb{Z}/{2^m}$ cohomology of ${\rm{BTOP}}(n)$, for $n \geq 8$ and $m=1,2$, where $${\rm{TOP}}(n) = \{f \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to \...
Baylee Schutte's user avatar
0 votes
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A sufficient condition for a collection of open sets of a manifold to contain all open sets

Question Let $k\geq 0$ be an integer and let $M$ be a topological $n$-manifold. Let $\mathcal{U}$ be a set of open sets of $M$ which satisfies the following closure properties: (1). Let $U\subset M$ ...
Ken's user avatar
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10 votes
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"Homotopy homomorphisms" of homeomorphisms of Euclidean space

For a topological group $G$, an older term for a map $BG \to BG$ is a "homotopy homomorphism". If $G$ is connected, taking based loops shows that a homotopy class of such a map is the same ...
skupers's user avatar
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4 votes
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"Thickening" an arc on a 2-manifold

What is the argument for the fact that each arc in the interior of a 2-manifold can be "thickend" to obtain a 2-cell containing the arc in its interior and being disjoint from any ...
Palina's user avatar
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8 votes
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When does the tangent microbundle of a closed orientable topological $4k$-manifold have a trivial rank 2 subbundle?

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Top}{Top} \DeclareMathOperator{\co}{H}$Let $M$ be a closed orientable connected topological manifold of dimension $4k$ with $k > 1$. It is known (David Frank, On the index of ...
Cihan's user avatar
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Bijective continuous map from subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ to a manifold of dimension $n$

I'd like to know if the following assertion is true or not (if true I'd like an example): There exists a positive integer $n$, and a manifold $M$ of dimension $n$ such that there is no subset $X \...
Rahul Sarkar's user avatar
6 votes
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$\mathbb{E}_M$ as colimit of little cubes operads

In Lurie's "Higher Algebra", Remark towards the end, there is the following statement: "It follows that $\mathbb{E}_M$ can be identified with the colimit of a diagram of $\infty$...
Markus Zetto's user avatar
6 votes
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Stable smoothing of topological manifolds relative to an embedding

Let $M$ be a topological manifold. We know that $M$ is stably smoothable if and only its tangent microbundle, up to stabilization, admits a reduction to vector bundle. Now I wonder if there is a ...
UVIR's user avatar
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Can $X_4 \times S^1$, $X_4 \times I^1$, or $X_4 \times \mathbb{R}^1$ be a triangulable, PL or DIFF manifold, if $X_4$ is a non-triangulable manifold? [duplicate]

Question: If $X_4$ is a non-triangulable topological (TOP) manifold, can $X_4 \times S^1$, $X_4 \times I^1$, or $X_4 \times \mathbb{R}^1$ be a triangulable manifold? can $X_4 \times S^1$, $X_4 \...
wonderich's user avatar
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6 votes
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If $X_d$ is a non-triangulable manifold, can $X_d \times T^k$, $X_d \times I^k$, or $X_d \times \mathbb{R}^k$ be a triangulable manifold?

If $X_d$ is a non-triangulable manifold, can $X_d \times T^k$, $X_d \times I^k$, or $X_d \times \mathbb{R}^k$ always be a triangulable manifold? Let $X_d$ be a $d$-manifold which is NOT a ...
wonderich's user avatar
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13 votes
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Structures between PL and smooth

Let $X$ be a topological manifold of dimension at least five. The Kirby-Siebenmann invariant $ks(X)\in H^4(X,\mathbb{Z}_2)$ is an obstruction to the existence of a PL structure on $X$. If it vanishes, ...
Philip Engel's user avatar
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11 votes
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Torus trick without surgery theory

It follows from surgery theory that in dimension $\geq 5$ every closed PL manifold homotopy equivalent to a torus has a finite cover which is PL homeomorphic to a torus. This is an important ...
user124543's user avatar
10 votes
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Is every open topological $d$-manifold homotopy equivalent to a CW-complex of dimension $\leq d-1$?

Let $M$ be a connected open topological $d$-manifold (without boundary). Whitehead showed that if $M$ has a PL structure, there exists a subcomplex of dimension $\leq d-1$ onto which $M$ deformation ...
Cihan's user avatar
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3 votes
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Homology of topological manifolds

Let $X$ be a topological manifold of dimension $n$ (assuming perhaps that there is a countable basis of open sets). Do NOT assume that $X$ is compact, or oriented, or triangulable (so do not assume it ...
Pierre's user avatar
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