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N. Virgo
  • Member for 12 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
164 votes

Why is the Penrose triangle "impossible"?

19 votes

In what sense is the Jeffreys prior invariant?

12 votes

Interpretation for the determinant of a stochastic matrix?

11 votes

Are Legendre transforms of non-convex functions useful?

8 votes

Applications of information geometry to the natural sciences

8 votes

What is the frequentist's Bayesian prior for a coin with unknown bias

7 votes

Explanation of Aumann's "agreeing to disagree" in modern notation

5 votes

Transforming from a simplex in 4 dimensions to a 3D tetrahedron

5 votes

The naive exercise of defining (small) categories inside Zermelo's Set Theory, on purpose

5 votes

Is there a category of partially defined binary operations?

4 votes

Why is the preservation of identities a funtoriality axiom?

4 votes

Is there a name for this matrix product?

4 votes

Clarification about the product $A \times A$

4 votes

Independence of conditional random variables

4 votes

Can a unitary matrix be constructed from any doubly stochastic matrix?

3 votes

Connections between the solution of simple ordinary equation, normal distribution and heat equation

3 votes

How to see that a one-object pre-additive category is a ring?

3 votes

Correct notion of "sameness" for objects in a category

3 votes

Categorical Time

3 votes

A name for morphisms with the same source object

2 votes

Order theory from categorical point of view

2 votes

Introduction to category theory with examples in probability/statistics

2 votes

How to solve this infinite set of equations?

1 vote

Ordinals in category theory?

1 vote

Uniform probability distributions in the category of stochastic maps

1 vote

Do the set of all factorisable distributions form an exponential family?

1 vote

Does the matrix exponential have this convexity property?

1 vote

Does the category of finite stochastic maps hold the empty set?

1 vote

Enriched category has to be locally small

1 vote

I don't understand the string diagram of hypergraphs, can someone explain?