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Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

Can the limit of a product exist if neither of its factors exist?

9 votes

Must a sequence be well-founded?

9 votes

does the uniform continuity of $f$ implies uniform continuity of $f^2$ on $\mathbb{R}$?

8 votes

A set is open if its complement is closed.

8 votes

Why doesn't the definition of (model-theoretic) conservative extension need strengthening?

8 votes

How do algebraists intuitively picture normal subgroups and ideals?

8 votes

Why should we care about syntactic proofs if we can show semantically that statements are true?

7 votes

What is the difference between "expectation", "variance" for statistics versus probability textbooks?

7 votes

The (standard) definition of a group.

7 votes

Why haven't I heard of the Hausdorff quotient?

7 votes

When is it possible to interpret composition as a natural transformation?

7 votes

Question about the category $\textbf{2}$

6 votes

Non-associative commutative binary operation

6 votes

Products in a subcategory

6 votes

Ratio test and the Root test

6 votes

Elevator pitch for a (sub)field of maths?

6 votes

Multisets don't have addition

5 votes

Is this a good enough proof by induction?

5 votes

What's the background of this exercise?

5 votes

Proving Dedekind finite implies finite assuming countable choice

4 votes

A category's quotient category of isomorphism types

4 votes

How to find recurrence relation for this problem?

4 votes

Covering space of a wedge of two circles

4 votes

What does $0^-$ mean in set or type theory?

4 votes

Number of solutions for a given logical equation

4 votes

How to find the number of intersections of diagonals in icosahedron?

4 votes

What is the difference between a Hamel basis and a Schauder basis?

4 votes

What does "maximum value" of a set of random variables mean?

4 votes

If you equip two isomorphic groups with homeomorphic topologies, are they isomorphic as topological groups?

4 votes

Differences between groups and rings when understood as categories