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Questions tagged [monads]

A monad is a functor from a category to itself together with two natural transformations, commonly called μ (the "multiplication") and η (the "unit"), satisfying conditions that make μ monoidal and η an identity for it.

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Cosimplicial resolution associated to a monad

Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a category and $\mathbf{T}$ a monad on $\mathcal{C}$ with functor part $T : \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{C}$ (I would actually like to consider the case where $\mathcal{C}$ is an $(\...
Brendan Murphy's user avatar
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When is $\text{Ab}(\mathcal{C}) \to \mathcal{C}$ monadic?

Consider the free abelian group monad $T: \text{Sets} \to \text{Sets}$. Then the category $\text{Ab}$ of abelian groups is equivalent to the category of $T$-algebras, and thus we have a monadic (...
Nick Mertes's user avatar
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The monad induced by the group multiplication

Let $G$ be any group. We can define its delooping, $\mathbf{B}G$, to be the groupoid with a single object $\bullet$ and $\mathrm{Hom}_{\mathbf BG}(\bullet, \bullet) = G$ with composition given by the ...
Paweł Czyż's user avatar
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Notion of commutativity for monads

I have read that in functional programming a monad is commutative if a >>= \x -> b >>= \y -> f x y is equivalent to ...
MB7800's user avatar
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How does the EM category for the multiset monad work?

I am working with the standard multiset monad defined on sets and functions and I want to start looking at algebras for the monad, the EM-category of the multiset monad. I understand that this is ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Majority vote EM category

I am working with the multiset monad. I want the EM category to have a structure map that is majority vote. That is to say that the map $f: X \rightarrow M(X)$ takes the set element with the highest ...
Ben Sprott's user avatar
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Concrete example on the commutative diagram of comparison functor

I am trying to familiarize myself with the properties of monad. I discovered in nlab the following convoluted picture about the whole story. It is ...
Y.X.'s user avatar
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Forks of algebras over monads in proof of Beck's criterion

Consider a monad $T=(T,\mu,\eta)$ and a $T$-algebra $(X,\xi).$ Then lots of expositions of Beck's monadicity criterion refer to the following fact: there is a parallel pair of morphisms of $T$-...
Sergey Guminov's user avatar
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Free monads without fixing the base category

Usually, free monads are defined with respect to a fixed base category. By this I mean that given an endofunctor $F: \mathcal{C} \to \mathcal{C}$, the free monad $\bar{F}$ on $F$ is defined using only ...
Monoidoid's user avatar
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Algebraic Structures involving 𝙽𝚊𝙽 (absorbing element).

IEEE 754 floating point numbers contain the concept of 𝙽𝚊𝙽 (not a number), which "dominates" arithmetical operations ($+,-,⋅,÷$ will return ...
Hyperplane's user avatar
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Is there a non-symmetric monoidal monad?

Recall that a monoidal monad on a monoidal category $(\mathcal{C}, \otimes, I)$ is a monad $(M, \eta, \mu)$ on $\mathcal{C}$ such that $M$ is also equipped with the structure of a lax monoidal functor ...
Naïm Favier's user avatar
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Proving that a monad $(D,\eta,\mu)$ induces a monad $(T,\lambda, \rho)$.

I'm trying to formalize some of my code within Category Theory, and I ended up having to prove that a certain construction $(T,\lambda,\rho)$ was a monad. Here is the setup. Let $(D,\eta,\mu)$ be a ...
Davi Barreira's user avatar
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Can a (co)monad composed with itself be a (co)monad again?

I have very little categorical knowledge, my question comes mostly from programming, but I'm interested in the categorical solution of this problem. Let's assume we have a monad $(T, \eta, \mu)$ Is $T^...
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If $\mathsf{C}$ is a cocomplete category and $\mathsf{I}\to\mathsf{J}$ is a functor, when is $\mathsf{C}^\mathsf{J}\to\mathsf{C}^\mathsf{I}$ monadic?

$\def\C{\mathsf{C}} \def\res{\operatorname{res}} \def\I{\mathsf{I}} \def\J{\mathsf{J}} \def\A{\mathsf{A}} \def\colim{\mathop{\operatorname{colim}}}$In Riehl's Category Theory in Context, we find: ...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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Reflexive Tripleability Theorem in Riehl's Category Theory in Context

Exercise 5.5.iii in Riehl's Category Theory in Context consists in proving the following result: Proposition 5.5.8 (RTT). If $U: \mathsf{D} \rightarrow \mathsf{C}$ has a left adjoint and if $\mathsf{...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar

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