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Questions tagged [type-theory]

For questions about type theory, including normalization, dependent types, identity types, inductive types, universe types, functional programming languages, proofs as programs in simply-typed lambda-calculi, Martin-Löf's intuitionistic type theory or related.Consider using one of the following tags: (lambda-calculus), (logic), (constructive-mathematics),(homotopy-type-theory) if related.

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Type theory reference including applications to multiple computer languages

I'm wondering if anyone could recommend me a good text on the application of type theory to computer languages (plural). What I'm looking for: Discusses formal theory in moderately-rigorous terms ...
user3716267's user avatar
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What concretely does it mean to "do mathematics in a topos X"?

I don't know if this is the right kind of question, but I've heard people say this phrase "do mathematics in a topos", and the idea that Set is the topos people usually work in, but only one ...
user56834's user avatar
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Is this restricted variant of predicate logic decidable, but expressive enough to be encoded by STLC ($\lambda \to$)?

As in the question, is it the case that a predicate calculus with these properties is decidable? n-ary predicates quantifiers finite domain of discourse impredicativity disallowed no function terms ...
Vivek Joshy's user avatar
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The continuum hypothesis in non-set theoretic foundations

I understand the continuum hypothesis and the fact that it's independent of ZFC, but what about other foundations of math? For example, what does it look like in a type theoretic foundation? Is it ...
Joseph_Kopp's user avatar
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How does type theory deal with the lack of completeness, compactness, etc.?

As far as I understand, type theory (let's say Simple Type Theory or one of its extensions such as Homotopy Type Theory) is a computational view of $\omega$th-order logic. See this question: Type ...
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Definite description in homotopy type theory

I asked this question there and I have been suggested to ask it here. In a paper by David Corfield, we have an account of definite description in homotopy type theory. The author gives the following ...
Bruno's user avatar
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What is the model of a group (from Group Theory) from the perspective of Type Theory?

Given that a group is a set with a binary operation, how would you define a group in Type Theory? I am starting with code sort of like this: ...
Lance's user avatar
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Internal vs External in type theory

I'm learning type theory, and at one point in the HoTT book, is mentionned "external" constructions. I was wondering what precisely means internal/external in type thoery.
Maxime's user avatar
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HoTT universes (is it an axiom ?)

I just began to learn type theory and read HoTT. In the book, it is said in chapter I that type theory presented here has no axioms and rather only rules. But a few pages later, cumulative universes ...
Maxime's user avatar
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Morphism between product types as a product of diagonal maps

I am trying to follow this post and I got confused on this paragraph: From this point of view, a morphism between product types is a ...
Y.X.'s user avatar
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Category of Sets vs Category of Types (& Yoneda Lemma)

I've been wondering for a while why we discuss the category of sets, $\mathbf{Set}$, all the time, but hardly discuss something like the category of all types and functions between them ($\mathbf{Type}...
SFDK's user avatar
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What is the proof that Term Finding in Calculus of Constructions ($\lambda{C}$) is undecidable?

It is mentioned in a textbook "Type Theory and Formal Proof: An Introduction", but couldn't find the paper or proof anywhere on the internet. To quote the textbook: The question of Term ...
Vivek Joshy's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is a "type" in type theory?

Types are taken as atomic in type theories like homotopy type theory. But what is the best way to conceptualize what a type is? Is it appropriate to think of them as a property that defines a category?...
Justify 's user avatar
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Category Theory built on Type Theories, Category theory as foundations

There are two questions I have, one quick and one probably long. I am trying to investigate applications of category theory and I ran across “the category of types” in computer science. Now, as I ...
DiracComb16796's user avatar
5 votes
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Type theory vs "Theory On Top of Logic" mantra in Set Theories

I have a question about (especially second part of) following statement following statement from wikipedia emphasizing intrinsical feature in which type theory substantially differs from set theories: ...
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