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simplified proof of Sanov's theorem ala Mohri et al.

Pushing the multiplying $1-p$ and $p$ into their respective exponents, the expression we want to understand is $$ \exp\left(- q \log \frac{q(1-p)}{p(1-q)} + \log(1-p)\right) + \exp\left( (1-q) \log \...
stochasticboy321's user avatar
1 vote

Iterative Integration over indicator function of two variables

We do this by considering sections of the function as is done in Fubini's theorem. In this case the function is the indicator. For $E\in\mathcal{C}\otimes\mathcal{D}$ we define $$E_{x}:=\{x\in\mathcal{...
user1360963's user avatar

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